Enter at Your Own Risk, Part 2

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  1. Ok, have your OB/GYN give you a referral to an indocrinologist. There are estrogen mimicing (sp) drugs out there that can give you some relief without the dangers of estrogen.

    One thing I have learned is that Drs. are so focused on some things that they miss others. I took my mother to FIVE Drs. for her sudden blindness before we hit on a neuro-opthalmologist who figured out that her blindness was caused by her inability to absorb B vitamins due to Crohn’s disease. Every other Dr. she had seen knew her medical history yet missed the fact that Crohn’s causes malabsorbtion in the small intestine. The fact that the transplant Dr. misdiagnosed your high blood pressure really isn’t a surprise. If it isn’t in the realm of what they are used to, they miss it.

    You are an educated woman who doesn’t lie down for what the "professionals" say. You have done the research and you know what is going on. Stick to your guns until you find a Dr. who can help you with the perimenopause. As someone who has gone through it (and am still going through it) I can say that there ARE answers out there, you just have to shovel through the shit before you find them.



  2. I tend to trip over major things like shadows, dust and perfectly even ground. I also stumble across gravity pockets frequently, which quickly suck me to the ground and strongly resembles a trip.


  3. I so agree. Bats have been given awful press.

    I met a woman who kept an orphaned bat tucked inside her clothing against her chest to keep it warm. The woman had cancer and was glad to be able to give life to another being.

  4. I’m experiencing staggering inmaturity today and will retire to laugh at the thought of hot flushes until the dreadful guests we are entertaining are gone never to return.

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