Aspirusing to a new job?

Well, the Aspirus movement seems to be growing slowly but surely. I continue to get daily hits from search engines that have been instructed to seek out “aspirus” on the net, but now I note I am not the only Dear Diary journal to come up on these searches. I also note with interest that now appears on some of the search results. It looks like someone is squatting on the name, since there isn’t any site affiliated with the address yet. Wish I’d thought of that.

The arm/neck is still a literal/figurative pain/nuisance. It hasn’t gotten as bad as quickly as it did last time though, and I have hopes of it resolving quickly. I think it helped that I started taking painkillers and using moist heat more quickly than I did last time. With luck I broke the cycle of pain/tension/pain before it really got a chance to get going.

As for those who recommended a massage or “straightening” from a chiropractor: I don’t think it would help, and I get the heebies just thinking about some stranger “manipulating” my neck anyhow. The problem isn’t just a pinched nerve or touchy disc – the vertebrae in my neck have slowly become deformed over time. No amount of rubbing or straightening is going to change that. The best I can do is not do anything stupid to cause a flare-up (like sleeping on the sofa, or falling on the job). If I do something stupid along those lines, I have to act on resolving the local inflammation and swelling fast, before the nerves in that area become bruised.

Oh, as for California … I’m going out there if I have to gnaw my arm off to do it. I am not going to be cheated out of this vacation.

So, anyhow, the real news of the day: I’ve been contacted yet again by someone regarding a state position that is opening up. I had pretty much decided that I didn’t have the skills they were looking for to fill the job, but I was adamantly told otherwise. I was then told to speak to the person who would be my direct supervisor if I were to take this job, and so I called him after my workday was over. He too emphasized that they were eager to have me apply, and is sending out some preliminary paperwork for me to complete for the job application.

I guess I’ll give it a shot and see what happens.

I saw the first trailer for the new Thunderbirds movie on television tonight. I’m not sure what Jonathan Frakes was thinking … it looks terrible. Just to be sure, I went out to the web and downloaded a couple of different trailers. They looked just as bad.

And yet I can’t wait for the movie to be released on July 30th. I hold out absolutely no hope that the movie will be any good, but it doesn’t matter. Sometimes tacky schlock is just fine. All I want to do is relive some old childhood memories again. In all honesty, the original television show wasn’t any great work of art either. But it was fun, and I’m looking forward to having some fun with my old heroes again. T-minus sixteen days and counting ….

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  1. UUuughh! That beetle stopped by few weeks ago and I had to beat the crab out it with my flip flop. It was nasty bug I’ve ever see!

    Hope you will get to feel better!!

    Hugs, ao

  2. My kids are looking forward to the Thunderbirds. It will no doubt be a tacky kids action movie, but my kids will love it nonetheless!


  3. I wish people would harass me about taking a job! I’ve still only gotten responses for jobs I don’t really want. 🙁 Lucky duc…errr salamander.

  4. Cool! I’ve never seen one ”in the wild”, only, up until now, in a video. They’re pretty awesome insects, aren’t they. (The video showed a face-off between two males. Very intense warfare with those big ”horns”.)



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