T minus 2

Things are hectic here at the OK corral at the moment. The countdown to the audit is now less than 48 hours, and people are suddenly waking up to the fact that yes, this is going to happen. I’m at the “don’t give a flying fig” stage at the moment. There’s no more I can do in the time left to prepare. Either we fail or we don’t. I’ve done my best either way.

The Mouth came into my office asking what deeds remain undone that we can do tomorrow. Beats me. I told her to add a couple of lines to a document she’s been working on that sets out the procedures we follow under certain circumstances. That should keep her out of my hair until tomorrow.

Did I mention that I purchased a micro-refrigerator for my office? No longer am I stuck paying a dollar for a soda out of the machines over here (something I particularly resented because they never stock the machines with anything other than Coke and Coke by-blows). Even the secret Pepsi machine has gone up to a dollar now, and doesn’t carry any diet soda other than diet Pepsi. I now have my stash of diet Vanilla Pepsi right behind my desk, costing far less than a quarter and providing far more satisfaction. The micro-fridge is just large enough to accommodate six cans of soda, which makes it larger than I really need. Still, if I start bringing lunch in, there will be room to store it in the fridge, and I can save a bit of money by not shelling out at the cafeteria.

Still no word on my review. I’m figuring that they’re still trying to figure out what to do with me. That’s fine. I’m patient. I’m more concerned about getting the oil changed in the Prius. It’s somewhat overdue, and I just can’t find the time to get it taken care of. I had a 9:00 appointment this morning for it – I was planning to take a couple of hours off from work, since I’m working enough each day to make up my 8 1/2 hours even taking the two hours off. Something came up first thing though, and I had to cancel. I’m going to see if I can’t combine it with an appointment with Dr. Liver that I have next week.

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  1. sometimes it’s better to let someone else worry…especially after you’ve done your best. smart move getting the fridge. the upstairs folk where i work had a mini one that couldn’t fit everyone’s lunch, so they splurged and got one for us folk downstairs. i almost always bring my own lunch and coffee or tea. 🙂

  2. Since we’re talking classroom nostalgia 🙂

    We called them Gestetners, but I looked it up and found that that was just a brand name for mimeograph.

    I heard somewhere that we remember smells better than sights or sounds. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but smells can be very evocative.

  3. RYC: actually… one of the boys wants to do a comparison between animal and plant cells. I don’t suppose you can recommend a website with pictures of cells by any chance?


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