Clueless, email, and flu shots

The vet called yesterday to see how Clueless is doing. I wasn’t home, but returned the call this afternoon, when I got a spare moment. With no problems on the bloodwork, the list of differentials becomes rather slim. Biggest two possibilities are Inflamatory Bowel Syndrome and lymphoma. I wouldn’t wish either on CW, but I really wouldn’t wish lmphoma on him. I asked if it were worth increasing his meds a bit, since he’s only responding marginally to them at present. The vet agreed with me, so he’s on a slightly higher dose of lactulose. I’m hoping to see some results by tomorrow. If nothing happens by Thursday, he goes back for a re-evaluation. The vet mentioned the possibility of doing a biopsy to get down to the final diagnosis, but I’m unwilling to do that to CW at this point. It’s invasive, and won’t change the final outcome. If it’s IBS, then manipulating his diet should help alleviate his symptoms. If it isn’t, then there really isn’t much we can do. Either way, I don’t see the point of putting him through a biopsy to find out what’s going on. I’m also resisting putting him on steroids at the moment. They may just mask the symptoms without actually helping to heal anything, and I’d rather not mask the symptoms before we have a handle on what’s going on. Besides, if it’s lymphona, it would just make matters worse, and I’d rather not hasten the course of the disease if possible.

I got an email from an old friend last night. It seems funny to say that, since I’ve never met them in person, nor do I really know much more about them than they’ve chosen to reveal to me. But we’ve been exchanging comments and quips for over four years now, and that can be a lifetime on the web. He’s going through some rough times right now, and to be honest, I feel rather honored he’s chosen to confide in me about them. It makes me feel rather useful right now, and that’s a feeling I can live with.

Work has gotten crazy. Today I was with a group of students from my veterinary school for the better part of three hours. I missed lunch, both breaks, and got virtually no work done. In my absence, two meetings for tomorrow got planned, both of which require my attendence. I might as well just write off tomorrow morning, in terms of getting any work done. Friday is the squish-o-gram, part two. I never thought I’d be dreading a Friday before, but I can’t claim to be looking forward to this one.

Speaking of doctors and tests, it looks like things are getting dicey with this year’s flu vaccines. I’d signed up at work to get my vaccine there. It’s cheap, I don’t have to lose time going to the doctor’s, and it’s off-pay, making it a fairly convenient way (as well as inexpensive) to get the shot taken care of. My comapny had ordered from Chiron though, and now it turns out we won’t be getting any vaccine at work. I called across to my pharmacy, which had been planning a community flu shot day, to see if I could reserve a dose there. They aren’t taking any reservations, though, and can’t promise that they’ll have any vaccines either. It also would cost me twice as much to get the shot there.

So finally I called my regular doctor, whom I haven’t seen this year yet anyhow. They’re supposed to get some vaccine in next week, but don’t know if they’ll be getting it. The cost is the same as if I got it at work, but it means missing (yet another) half day to get the vaccination. I sheduled the appointment since I’m supposed to see her anyhow, and since I figure I ought to get her approval on my diet (yes, I’m officially on a diet)(*grumble*). I’m somewhat annoyed that I’ve got yet another doctor’s visit scheduled for this month now, but I don’t see any way around it. I’m just keeping my fingers crossed that this doesn’t turn out to be a bad flu year. And I guess there’s no way in hell I’ll be able to get The Socialist to get a flu shot. I swear to God though, if he gets the flu he’s moving to a nearby motel for the duration.

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  1. Keeping various appendages crossed for Clueless. He’s such a honey.

    Eyes watering in sympathy re the squishogram (part 2? That’s doubly cruel).

    A good idea re the motel.

  2. Clueless is lucky he has an owner who not only loves him but who knows what’s best for him. With you, I’m sure he’ll have the best of all outcomes.

    I hope you can find someone to give you a flu shot. Surely, you of all people, should get whatever rare doses there are out there. If I had one lined up I’d give it to you. Then again, I’m a scaredy cat. ;o)

  3. *~Salamander~*

    My grandmother has a cat who has problems with urinary tract infections. I feel so bad for this cat and she gets them all the time. No medication seems to help her and my grandmother is determined to get her the best of care. Hope your cat gets better.

    I am glad I am considered a "high risk." Since I am pregnant and have asthma. But, unfortunatly for me I’ve already fallen to the 24hr flu and even worse on my 2 days off. So, I am determined to get mine ASAP.

    Anyway glad to hear things are going well. The best of luck to you with your cat and hope work gets less crazy for you.


  4. Oh, Sal, I’m so sorry for whats happening with CW. I hope like hell it’s IBS and you can get a handle on it as I don’t like the odds on a lymphoma.

    On the flu vaccine front, I hadn’t even given a thought to a flu shot yet this year. I used to have to be extra vigilant about getting one as soon as they came out because of mom. Without her to worry about, it completely slipped my mind. I’ll have to see when the pharmacy is doing a vacc clinic. Hopefully, with your being on immunosuppressants, you can get one post haste.

    *keeps fingers crossed for you on all fronts*

  5. Hope the big furball is healthy, and that you are successful in your flu shot hunt. I wash my hands like crazy during flu season at work. It worked last year.

  6. Good luck with Clueless. I know what it’s like waiting for the medical results for a beloved pet.

    I suppose I should get the flu shot. I’m scared of needles as well, but every year around Christmas when I’m in bed cradling a puke bucket I tell myself "next year"…

    (In the state I’ve been of late, I’m surprised thinking about getting a flu shot hasn’t made me wonder if I’d develop autism from it or something like that.)

    It’s too bad about the hockey being cancelled, eh?

    At least there’s basketball.

  7. I hope you will be able to get the flu vaccine. And I wish you much success with the diet. It’s a beautiful day in our state today; hoping you are enjoying this nice crisp autumn day, too.

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