Sometimes nice things happen.

This was waiting on my front doorstep this afternoon.

I checked. Gardenias aren’t toxic to cats, so I can even bring it in come winter! I’ll just need to fence it off, so the cattle don’t graze on it.

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  1. *Blinks* How is it possible for such a howler to appear in a book that appeared otherwise well-researched? It almost sounds like an overly clever joke.

    Good luck with the gardenia. I love them, and have had many over the years. I’ve had many because one is yet to survive my attempts at tender care. You’ll probably do better.

  2. Oh, how I sympathize with you on trying to find quality science fiction in bookstores like Borders! I gave up that quest a while ago. And, outside of Tolkein, there’s precious little fantasy that I like. I enjoy the occasional "alternate world" novel (where someone from this one enters another world, or vice versa, and you have culture clash), but those are often horrendously written, too. I find I have to rely on the library more and more for the "classics." Not a bad thing, but I wish I could take advantage of book sales more.

    We need another Connie Willis.

    Oh, and after shaking my head in disbelief, I read your description of that paragraph to Bassplayer. I thought he was going to be permanently disfigured by his cringe. Ugh!

  3. Hmm, the older Harry Potter books do appear in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy section at both the Borders and B&N stores in my neck of the woods, maybe it’s just that store?

    I just picked up Hunters of Dune the other day, hoping to read it while Hubby & the boys are out of town in the next few days. I haven’t read any of the other "non-Frank Herbert" Dune books, so I’m not sure how his son stacks-up in his continuation of the Dune saga. It’s one of my favorite series that I continually go back to when I want something to read, so I’m hoping Brian stays true to the flavor of his fathers novels.

    The McCaffrey "Pern" novels, David Eddings, some Heinlein novels, some Chriton, Zelazny and Douglas Adams are my other stand-by Sci-fi/Fantasy authors. Oh, and of course the Harry Potter books.

    Stepping into regular fiction, Clancy and Auel hover around the fringes there, followed by my currrent dominating favorite (and for the most part local to you) Evanovich. If you haven’t read her Stephanie Plum books, you don’t know what you’re missing. They are, quite possibly, the most fun books I’ve ever read.

    OK, now I need to go re-read her most recent release. Bye!


  4. Arrghh! I hate science fiction authors who don’t know their science!

    I used to read a lot of science fiction, but I’ve drifted away from it in recent years, having run out of decent authors to read.

    ^ ^




    FutureCat, one of whose favourite authors is the "pun-filled funfest on some flatworld somewhere" one, but who would still never class his work as science fiction

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