I do not love thee, Dr. Fell

My transplant coordinator called this morning, said she’d gotten through to the cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (which I am here-ever-after calling CTCL because writing it out is too damned much work) expert and that I should expect a call from him today. Sure enough, at 6:30 this evening he called.

He said he’d gotten all kinds of email from the transplant department that he should call me and set up an appointment to see me. He wouldn’t discuss anything over the phone. I guess that’s fair, but it continues to leave me dangling. I have an appointment for 10:30 Friday the 21st. I’m to call his assistant tomorrow to arrange for whatever I need to arrange for prior to the visit.

My friend, Dr. Twenty Cats, has offered to go to the appointment with me. It will help to have a clear-thinking medical person there on my side, since I’m not entirely sure that I’ll be totally clear-headed during the visit. I’m already working up a list of questions.

Of interest, I stumbled across the CL Foundation on line today. The doctor I’m seeing is on their medical advisory board. I’ll have to go further digging into his credentials tomorrow.

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  1. The 21st is more like it. I’ll put away my voodoo doll for now.

    I’m a lot like you, I think. The more knowledge I can get, the better I can cope with things.

    I have my annual skin check the same day as your doctor’s appointment.

  2. Holy Shit Sal. I finally get a chance to catch up with you. I am speechless and feel terrible.

    I’m on my way out the door to work…and you will be on my mind all day.

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