Six degrees of Separation

Current status:

The dermatological oncologist who my dermatologist wants to refer me to can see me … on January 23rd.

I don’t think so.

I called my gastroenterologist, who used to be on the transplant team at Big City Hospital. Surprisingly, he was no help, just saying that he wanted me to see the guy that I’d been referred to.

I called my transplant coordinator at Big City Hospital, who wasn’t in yesterday, but called me back today. She said she’ll arrange for an earlier appointment for me.

My older sister told her assistant, who told her sister-in-law who is in the medical profession, who told somebody who I don’t know how they fit in, who passed it on to a doctor at a nationally reknown cancer treatment center about 45 minutes from here, who recommended the guy who can’t see me until January 23rd. HOWEVER, he did say that he knew that this doctor was really backed up, and offered to talk to me himself. He gave his name, his address, his phone number, his fax number … I pretty much know everything about him except his social security number and favorite color. I already love this guy.

I’ll call tomorrow.

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  1. Oh, good grief. A six week wait for someone in your situation? That is just wrong. Every time he treats a rash or an acne case between now and when you have your appointment, I’m going to stick a pin in my voodoo doll of him.

    Seriously. It’s just not right.

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