Joe Btfsplk

I go to Main and find that Btfsplk is apparently alive and well after all after all these years. Either that, or some evil super-genius is even now as I type has set up an room with hundreds of laptops and thousands of cats and unprotected keyboards everywhere. Shark Boy and Lava Girl need to sneak into the sinister fortress housing the Room of Kitty Paws of Doom and install PawsSense into the mainframe.

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  1. I love to watch the Ministry of Funny walks, but being forced into participating wouldn’t be so fun. I think you’re right, a Segway is indeed in order.

  2. Dear me. My employer used to be much like yours, and ours has mellowed somewhat. It sounds like our Director of HR got exiled from my Oceania to your Eurasia. Kind of sad. I miss the Five Minute Hate.

  3. You know, I don’t think it’s an employers business what you do when your not on the clock but we’ve become a Big Brother society. They cannot, and should not, be privy to every aspect of your lives. One of the reasons I left my last job was that our business consultant said that every member of management needed to get involved in civic affairs or charities, then handed us a list of those he felt were ‘appropriate’. I didn’t care for the idea that someone told me what charity I could support in my off hours. That is MY choice and shouldn’t have anything to do with social networking for my employer. I was deeply offended.

    As to the ‘team’ concept of business, it’s been around a long time and I think that what it does best is piss off good employees who don’t want to have group hugs while allowing marginal employees to coast along on the other ‘team members’ coat tails. I simply think it diminishes individual accomplishment. It’s kind of like letting every kid be on the sports team instead of them having to try out and win a position on their own merit. I realize that there are certain things that might require a group effort but it just feels a little too forced for my taste and/or comfort.

    Ok, ok. I don’t play well with others and have an incredibly low BS tolerance. What can I say? *laffs*

  4. RYC: Thanks for the compliment on the fountain. It was a fun project. The rest of the yard is always a work in progress and that suits me. I don’t ever want to be finished. Where’s the fun in that?????

    As to why I’ve not murdered the neighbor; She’s sooooo not worth going to jail over, lol. At least that’s what I tell myself but my patience level is sinking by the day. I’m thinking that razor wire and gun turrets might be the answer.

    Dog bites kid. Neighbors got the dog off of freecycle. When they turned it over to animal control after it mauled the nephew it was determined that AC’d actually been looking for the dog for 6 months. It had, while residing with its former owner, bitten THREE people, one (a mail carrier)quite badly. The dog was deemed vicious through the courts and an order to destroy was handed down but instead of turning it over to AC, the owner freecycled it and then left town. The neighbors did do the right thing (after I explained to them that by state law they’d be held liable if they gave the dog away and it bit someone else)and had it put down. Such a sad situation when there are sooooo many good dogs in shelters that are put down every day and someone intentionally gives away a dog they know is dangerous.

  5. I think my employers have been reading the same books as yours. The theory seems to be that instead of fixing a problem, you just give it a new name, and that will make it magically go away. (And if it doesn’t, well, just re-name it again – it’s got to work eventually!)

    We have the "community engagement" thing too. Basically, it means the employer can go on about how much they do for the community and make themselves look good, when it’s really their employees who are doing it, completely independently of their paid work. My response is to only report community engagement that is directly related to my work – the rest is none of their business, as far as I’m concerned.

    ^ ^




  6. i will admit to working my way towards the porcelain god… because even when i aspire to ascend, some foot (admin/co-worker/furried foot) seems to knock me back. fortunately, the furried foot just doesn’t know any better, they be who they be…as for the humans…well, i’m losing hope for them.

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