And to my invisible friend …

There’s a support request 1215048131 addressing the problem you described to me. I had to switch from hotmail to gmail because hotmail kept screwing up deardiary’s notices – apparently hotmail has gotten the peculiar notion that deardiary is a spammer. That’s where all your notices have gone to, anyhow. As for your other issues, I’ve asked that admin contact you directly at the last good address I have for you (which happens to be a hotmail address with a number in it).

Do not despair, and read DearDiary1 journal for some additional information. If you want a gmail address, let me know and I’ll send you an invite. Just let me know where to send it to.

Ciao and meow, kiddo.

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  1. He is just adorable, goopy eyes and all. Good on you for helping him out. Its always nice to know Im not the only sucker in the world who can’t go past a furball in need =)

  2. That is one seriously cute little dude!

    I had a cat years ago that was entropion so ointment wasn’t a big deal. We fell into a routine until he had the surgery to correct the eyelid roll. Being a Persian, we laughed about him having had a face-lift.

    I like boy cats. They tend to be, in my opinion, more relaxed than their sisters. Having said that, how did I wind up with a 3:1 female ratio in my own home???? *marches off scratching head*

  3. That is a very cute kitty! I’d probably be tempted to keep him since we are down to two cats and the Labrador now. Good thing I don’t live nearby. Heheh.

    Thank you for the ongoing supportive comments. I really do appreciate them. Yes, as a matter of fact, the pain is considerably better, for the most part. I still have my moments, but between the Vicodin and my being more mindful of keeping the blood glucose closer to normal I seem to be feeling better. But I still want to be bad! The donuts… they call my name!

  4. Finally my crummy internet connection let the pictures load up. What a cutie!

    I brought a 6 wk old kitten back from Saturday Market last month. Felt sorry for him, he was stinky and in a small cage being terrorized by the dogs that folks were walking. Stupid people letting their dogs scare him thinking it is funny. He is all black with a bit of white inside his ears. I named him Inky. Max calls him Phantom Menance, both names hit him.

  5. I think it’s time for you to post an update! I’m sorry, but every time I check over here to see if you’ve updated, I see the title, and my empathy gets me. (DD’s not notifying me of updates, of course, so I have to check manually. Fortunately, the photo is far enough down the page that I don’t have to look at it.)

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