Aftermath (Picture Intensive)

“Cats are smarter than dogs.
You can’t get eight cats to
pull a sled through snow.”
– Jeff Valdez

I couldn’t sleep last night. I’ve had problems with insomnia for a few weeks now, but it didn’t bother me last night. I made a fire, cooked a batch of cardamom cookies, and watched the snow taper off. This was taken from the kitchen door just before the snow ended.

The snow is up to the 22″ line at this point, but since the deck is on the east side of the condo, it was relatively protected. I’m guessing we got a bit over two feet total.

The cats seemed to appreciate the company during what is ordinarily “down time” for them. LGS and LBrS both lounged in front of the fire, while LBlS hung out beside the fireplace in the pirate ship that one of my sisters gave them for Christmas.

My condo in the snow.

I didn’t get up until eleven o’clock this morning. This probably had something to do with the fact that I didn’t fall asleep until after four this morning. Feeding the cats is always the first thing that needs to be attended to, but immediately after potential feline uprisings were quelled I took myself outside to get the snow off my car. I then had to shovel the snow that I knocked off my car to re-clear my parking area. The mounds of snow were so high that I had to walk the full shovel about twelve feet to a spot where the snow wasn’t piled too high for me to throw more on it. I then wandered the complex with my camera.

That’s my deck. It’s about two feet off the ground, just to give you some perspective.

That’s my neighbor across the street. He spent all yesterday digging out the end of his driveway over and over again as the snow plows kept closing it off.

The main road out front of my place. The snow is starting to melt off, but it’s going to be days before we’re completely down to the pavement. Unless, of course, Monday’s coming storm delays that.

The neighbor’s girl built a snow duck yesterday afternoon while the snow was still coming down steadily. This morning the duck was a bit buried, but still picture-worthy.

My front walk. It’s on the north side of the building, so the sun isn’t going to help with clean-off there. You can get a pretty good idea of depth from where the snowblowing equipment blazed a trail.

The poor little Prius … I’m thinking if I just build up the mounds around it a bit more I can lay some planks over the top and create a make-shift garage for it before the next storm hits.

Thursday is ordinarily trash day. Apparently some of my neighbors are optimists.

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  1. Your kitties are very, very beautiful/handsome, and I LOVE cats myself. What are their names? The names of your cats are initials and I am not sure what their names are. I have a white cat named Bing Noel Crosby who would love to be among your kitties and in that case, he would be in kittyland forever among your babies. I feel I have a smart, loving, understanding kitty.

  2. Thanks for the photos, and the advice on the Aquaphor. I shall seek out some of this miracle emollient. I’m sure that those who must set their eyes upon my legs in a few months will appreciate it.

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