It’s come to this …

The advance of ringworm has slowed, but not stopped. Today the Little Grey Shit got her first of what promises to be many bi-weekly Malaseb baths. Bathing with Malaseb is a little different than a conventional cat bath. After thoroughly soaking your kitty, you lather in the Malaseb shampoo and let it sit for ten minutes before rinsing. This little step of letting the cat rest up for ten minutes before starting the rinse cycle can make all the difference between an efficient in-the-tub/out-of-the-tub experience and a cats-gone-wild marathon.

As if the ten minute rest cycle isn’t enough, the cat cannot be permitted to wash itself until it has completely dried off from the rinse. That, dear reader, has turned out to be the longest and most difficult step in the process. LGS was miserable when wet, was miserable with the cone-of-silence in place, was miserable with having to wear a halter and leash, was miserable with the hair drier, was miserable with being combed … you get the idea.

And then a miracle occurred. LGS realized that she really didn’t mind the hair drier, once she figured out what it was doing. It had to be held a minimum of two feet from her, and she still didn’t like the combing part of the process, and there was no permittable distance the hair drier could be from her underside, but I did manage to get her dry enough to remove the e-collar within an hour after we finished the bath.

Total elapsed time from initial set up to cleaning up the bathroom afterwards: 2 hrs 15 minutes. It’s actually a damned good thing I’m unemployed at the moment, if I have to do this twice a week.

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  1. the lenghts we go to, eh? Winston (the one who had ringworm) absolutely hated a bath worse than anything on the planet so treating him wasn’t much of a treat for me. Hope you get this under control soonest for both your sakes.

  2. Skin is the darndest organ to treat ain’t it???

    Robbie had lifelong Seborrhea type condition. All we managed to do was keep it from taking over. It never really went away… Sigh…

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