Putting the”Fun” in Defungification (Graphics Intensive)

Thanks to the TexanElf for help with the title.

As of last Thursday, we had very good response to the new medication (Fluconazole) combined with twice weekly bathing in Malaseb shampoo and twice daily application of Miconazole 2% cream to the affected regions. I scheduled with the vet to take LGS in for the first of her two recultures. Optimistically, this meant she’d be out of quarantine in six weeks.

As of last Friday we had new eruptions under her left ear extending to her throat and on her tail. As of yesterday, we’ve got a new eruption under her right ear. It will be weeks before I can even consider culturing her now. She’ll be in quarantine for a minimum of eight more weeks, and I strongly suspect it’ll be closer to twelve.

The vet doesn’t want to shave her, and I’m fine with that. While it helps with long-haired cats, it can do more harm than good with a short-haired cat. The micro-abrasions caused by shaving give the ringworm a new foothold to grow in.

I’m avoiding thinking about it, but the next step is upgrading from Malaseb shampoo to lime-sulfur dip. Why do I not want to do this? Well, for starters, right from the directions:

Directions: Wear gloves. Carefully pour diluted dip over the animal making sure to reach affected areas. Re-apply every 5 to 7 days or as directed by your veterinarian. Do not rinse or blow dry animal. Do not allow animal to ingest. Apply protective collar until dry if necessary to prevent ingestion.

Caution: For topical use only on dogs and cats. Do not exceed label dosages. Measure carefully. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. May cause skin irritation. If eye contact or skin irritation develops, rinse with clean water for 15 min. stop treatment and contact your vet immediately. If ingestion occurs, rinse mouth with clean water and offer large amounts or milk, egg whites or water.
May stain light colored dog/cat and porous (e.g. cement) surfaces. Will change the color of jewelry. Use in well ventilated areas.

What isn’t mentioned there: It smells like rotten eggs. But the damned stuff does work. I just don’t know what will make LGS more miserable: a possibly extended quarantine period with Malaseb baths or a not-quite-guaranteed eight-week quarantine covered with white powder and smelling like Satan’s farts.

The following show progress to date.

This is the original lesion. It was on her back, close to her tail – an area of rapid hair loss about 2″ X4″.

This is what the regrowth between LGS’s shoulder blades (the second lesion site that appeared about a week after the first). Her hair reappeared more quickly and more thickly there than in other spots, but it was white tipped and made it look like she had a silver spot in her grey coat.

And this is what the regrowth on her back looked like the beginning week of July, six weeks after diagnosis. (Yes, boys and girls, this has now been going on since May 18th).

Ears are usually the first targets for ringworm, and are frequently hardest hit. This is the current regrowth of hair on what had been naked ears.

And this is the current state of affairs. Here is the new area of alopecia beneath her left ear, extending down to her throat.

And this is the new tail lesion. While not quite so naked as the throat, the tail is still unquestionably affected now as well.

And this is what I spotted last night, under her right ear.

The poor Prof is going to have to deal with this for the next week, as I will be down in Atlanta attending this year’s AVMA conference. I’m sorry I’m going now, both because of LGS’s relapse and because of my financial situation. Unfortunately, I’m paid for the conference (no rebates) and committed to going.

Don’t feel too sorry for LGS though. She continues to find ways of creating mayhem. When I went up to the bathroom this afternoon to get current pictures of her (I’ve been taking pictures all along to help monitor her progress) I found this little scenario:

That is a brand new pack of pill pockets that I inadvertently must have left within her reach this morning.

Apparently we are operating under the “If you can’t eat it, walk on it” approach to theft. LGS wasn’t able to get more than a few pill pockets out of the bag (it’s really too thick to easily chew through), but she walked on it multiple times trying to figure out how to pry the contents loose. The two pill pockets you see at the mouth of the bag are the only intact pill pockets remaining. The rest of the bag is now pill-picket-pita. I’ve rolled the contents up and put them in an empty pill container. Hopefully we can still use the putty to pill her. Those damned pill pockets cost over six dollars a bag.

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  1. So glad it helped the kitty.

    Next time you have to give your gray one a bath, show her the video and let her know it could be worse!

    How’s the defungification of your family coming along, anyway?

  2. Found this today:


    "Pennsylvania officials said in a statement that those who kept filing their paperwork should receive payment within two weeks. The rest of the more than 200,000 state residents who lost their benefits should submit their claims online as soon as possible."

    Don’t know if it applies to your situation or not, but I thought I’d pass it along in case it’s helpful.

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