Fried Marbles

Amazing how one thing leads to another, isn’t it?

I did a web search to find some pictures of fried marbles/fried marble jewelry, and came across this blog entry:

FuzzyButter, April 27, 2009

It’s black and white and a little grainy, but that could have been the same magazine my mom worked from when she was making fried marbles for us.

A quick Google Search For Fried Marble Images Yields dozens of examples of the genre. Unbeknownst to moi, the fried marble fad apparently made a comeback a few years ago, and fried marble jewelry can be found on eBay, Itsy, and other craft-oriented web sites. The mind boggles.

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  1. So, if you have already made them with a torch and they are formed, why do they have to go in a kiln?

    Trying to understand the process….

  2. Ahem…

    My brother and I fried marbles too.

    But we didn’t have the special glue, so no bracelets.

    He had a wicked cool marble collection. And ALWAYS beat me.

    I think it was the way he held his mouth while shooting. It was quite the contortionist’s mug as I recall.


    Thanks for explaining it. Makes sense!

  3. So what kind of marbles were "fried?" I guess I’m just enough younger than you and Yetz that I’ve never heard of it. Did you use "cat’s eyes" or "pureies" or something else?

  4. I’d never in my life heard of fried marbles but I’m going to WalMart tomorrow to buy some marbles and give it a try because they look realllllly cool!

    RYC: you are of use to me. You’re a sounding board and I know if I really got into deep pucky I could always pick up the phone and call you for advice. That’s all I need and more than a lot of people ever get. Thank you. I’m glad to call you friend.

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