The Ninth Annual

I worked until midnight last night, then had to be up and moving at five this morning. I was due in at Big City Hospital at 8:30 this morning for the ninth of my annual post-transplant check-up. All went well, and they’re talking about cutting down the amount of immunosuppressants I’m taking. It’s hard to believe that nine years ago I wasn’t even sure I’d be alive now.

I grabbed a 6:30 commuter train to get to Center Shitty this morning; I didn’t trust my driving skills under sleep deprivation, and frankly, I couldn’t be arsed to do much more than sit and stare out a train window, catching peeks inside cars and houses as people started their days. It was a mild day, making for a comfortable walk between the train station and the hospital. While I walked the mile I couldn’t help but notice that the city’s daffodils are in full bud – well over a month too early. Once good snow, and this springs crop of narcissus is going to be utterly wiped out. My own daffodils at the house have four-inch leaves, but no sign of buds … yet. I’ve been debating getting some mulch and covering them, but I have not time nor money nor inclination.

In other strange winter news, the robins (at least the male robins) never seem to have migrated this year. I have seen robins all winter so far, something that has never happened before. The flocks seem to be made exclusively of male robins; I don’t know if this is significant or if the females flock separately in the winter and I just haven’t run into them yet. Regardless, it’s weird.

Tonight I plan to curl up with a glass (or two) of wine and watch the 200th episode of NCIS. Hard to believe that the series started on almost the same day I returned to work after my transplant.

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  1. I vividly remember Allimom breaking the news that you were getting your transplant and remember the relief that I felt which was colored by the concern over the surgery itself. You’re a good egg, Sal, and I’m glad you’re still kickin’ & screamin’!

    This winter has been so odd on the weather front. I’ve got water iris sprouting, the pond has never properly frozen over, the butterfly bushes are leafing and I shooed a bee out of the truck the other day *rolls eyes*. We’ve had fog most mornings over the last few weeks. I feel like I’ve been transported to Middle Earth instead of the midwest…

  2. I can’t hardly believe it’s been NINE YEARS! I’ll never forget that night. I whooped so loud I believe I woke the Kid up! I remember telling him, at any rate, and we danced the Snoopy Dance in the middle of my kitchen. We were just so happy because your recent writings at that time had such a sad and deeply felt… finality.

    I’m so glad you are still here and kicking up the dust every time you get a chance. Much better to kick up dust than take a dirt nap.

  3. Congrats on the decrease of meds. I had a kidney transplant 24 years ago this March 12 so I can relate to the immunosuppressant drugs. I am taking 7.5 mgs of pred myself and have for the past few years now since 2001 I believe. My mom was the donor. I wish and pray that your transplanted organ continues to do its job for you! God bless!

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