Large Chocolate Mocha Lattes Help.

The price one pays for refusing to have one big fracking breakdown is that one ends up breaking down just a little everyday. I have to wonder if I don’t do it on purpose, though. Perhaps when grief is all you have left, it becomes imperative to hang onto the grief just a little bit.

It isn’t enough enough to freeze me in place. Not enough to intrude on the daily imperatives. Not enough to wear as an armband alerting the world to that special little dark hole I carry within. Just enough stab through the heart when I drop my guard. Just enough so I drop a beat, flatline just a moment, and then gasp for air when the world surrounding me fails to pause for my petite mort, forcing a form of self-CPR to jump start me into the new reality again.

All this over a cat.


Interesting. When I learned the term “petite mort” it meant something quite different from what it has come to mean now. I leave the term in this post simply because the archaic meaning fits better than any other term I know, and because all I can do is give kudos to anyone who knows the current meaning anyhow.


Not unlike Cool Hand Luke, I’m kept from going too rabbit by my own little solitary box of work. We’ve hit the time of year where I need to work hard to keep the work-weeks under 60 hours. I’ve put in my personal record for this job of a 14 hour day a few weeks ago, but most days are a minimum of 11+ hours. There is no down-time on the job, so I am solidly consumed by work while on the job, making the days go quickly. I have an hour between getting up and leaving for work in the morning, and about three hours between getting home again and going to bed, so work at home is accumulating.

Much of that accumulation has been mitigated by the fact that we are doing a few massive home improvement projects at the moment, which prevents anything from having a chance to build up on visible surfaces. I tell myself that just so long as I don’t lose the bills, it doesn’t matter where I stuff things at the moment. If I need them, I’ll find them. If I don’t, it doesn’t matter where they are. I’ll pay for my lack of vision eventually, but it’s getting me through right now.


This morning I’ve escaped the house to a small, unaffiliated coffee house near my home. It used to be part of the Saxby’s coffee house chain, but went independent this summer. It cheaped out by changing its name to “Abyss”, so they didn’t need to buy new sign letters for the storefront but merely rearrange the ones they had. The owner is a Trump supporter, but I’m following a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy about that. I’ve already stopped going to the local tea room because the owner (a childhood friend) didn’t grok the concept of separating politics from business. I’d hate to lose my coffee house as well, but so far all is well. I’m keeping my fingers crossed because they make a fine chocolate mocha latte.

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  1. Grief is grief, whether over a cat or something society deems "acceptable" to grieve (though why it’s considered somehow silly to grieve the loss of a companion you’ve loved and nurtured for years I don’t know). Grief is hard and it sticks around for a long time, and kicks you when you least expect it.

    I hope that your coffee shop remains politics free so that you can continue to care for yourself with chocolate mocha lattes.

  2. To my way of thinking, there is nothing that makes us a kinder, better person than to grieve the loss of our fur babies. I loathe the idiots who say, "Get over it, it’s just a cat or a dog." Every time I hear somebody say that I wonder, "What the hell is wrong with that person that they are so uncaring?" In some ways I am still grieving my little gray Kitten in the cupboard. She’s been gone five years now, and I still miss her almost every day.

    I really feel for you about the coffee shop. I live in a VERY red part of a HUGE blue state. The Republicans around here are PROUD of being Republicans, and if they own a business with a TV in it, you can count on it being set to Faux Noise. Progressives like me learn to keep our mouths shut most of the time. But I have learned something. The reason they never want to talk about the issues is because they don’t understand the issues, if they even know what the issues ARE. Sad, but true!

  3. I have always enjoyed reading your diary any time you write. Your feelings are out in the open and I love that about you and glad to know that life goes round and round no matter how one feels from day to day. I still enjoy reading your diary of the day when you write! Keep up the good work!

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