Tedium and The City

subtitled: Killing time at the Starbucks immediately adjacent to my favorite Big City Hospital I had an appointment with gastroenterology this morning, and have another coming up with dermatology this afternoon, with four hours to kill in between. It’s too hot to go traipsing around Big Center City, so I locked-in the corner table at…

After Midnight

It’s been a hard week for The Prof. We’ve lost cats before, but sometimes there’s a once-in-a-lifetime bond that forms between a two living beings that is both inexplicable and undeniable. That was Middy and The Prof. He currently marks the time elapsed from Easter evening, when we gave Midnight her release from suffering, by…

Black as Midnight

Midnight, aka LBlS, has spent twelve of the last eighteen days hospitalized. The Prof elected not to have an exploratory surgery done that would have definitively diagnosed her problem, but odds are she has lymphoma of the gastrointestinal track. She no longer willingly eats anything except dried tuna flakes, and only three or four of…

Weekend Blogger

Odd. Coulda sworn I’d made another entry since Christmas. Time flies when your having a life. Cats Seems I always start off with a cats update. If I had the time, I’d ponder what this said about me. As it is, I’ll just write it off as sad, unworthy of further speculation, and move on….