45 years, one day.

*sigh* The one person I wanted to spend my birthday with slept through it. The Professor woke up at about three in the afternoon. We went out and grabbed a bite to eat; he paid, for which I feel guilty since he doesn’t have a lot of spare cash at the moment. When we got back home, he was still feeling tired, so he went back to bed. And slept until about nine last night.

I kept myself busy, but it was a weird way to spend my birthday. I didn’t want to leave the apartment, because I was afraid he’d finally wake up and I’d miss him. I messed around on the computer, catching up on some back e-mails, I read more from the Mieville book I’ve working through, and otherwise sat around feeling sorry for myself. By the time The Prof woke up, I was starting to flag. I hadn’t started any dinner, since I didn’t know when we’d be eating, so we ran next door to the grocery, did some spot shopping, came home, ate, and I went to bed.

He did get me three CD’s I’d been wanting – a Jill Sobele, a compilation of some old Uncle Bonsai stuff, and a new Electric Bonsai CD. So I’d have to say I made out OK in the gift department (grin).

This morning, when I left for work, The Professor was wide awake and apologetic to the point of being upset. I tried to reassure him that I was OK with how things went yesterday, since there was nothing to gain and everything to lose by whining about how my day was “wasted”. The only thing I regret was not knowing he was going to spend the whole day in bed. I’d have been happy doing stuff on my own, if I’d just known I was free to do it. That is not a line of conversation that would be fruitful though, since he himself didn’t know he was going to sleep the day away. I just wish he could get his sleep schedule normalized. I strongly suspect that is never going to happen, though, and I knew full well he kept weird hours when I first took up with him.

What I didn’t do yesterday and should have was write. I’ll get back on track with that tonight, if possible.

Moonman – I guess I should have said “wedges” instead of “wedgies”, but since The Professor and I started joking about giving each other wedgies while playing Trivial Pursuit, I’ve fallen into the habit of always calling them that. I hadn’t realized how ingrained that habit had become until you called it to my attention, though.

As for the cash versus gift responses: it would seem that the tighter the budget, the more cash as a gift is appreciated. I guess I’m lucky in that I don’t have much of a financial crunch. I could afford to go out and spend the amounts that my sisters gave me. Yes, I know, I’m an ingrate. But there’s something in me that just plain likes gifts that you unwrap. It’s just more special.

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  1. Oh boy, do I know how you feel! It sounds like The Prof & S keep similar hours…

    Like you, I knew that when I first started dating him almost 6 years ago, still, I haven’t quite gotten used to it yet. I wonder if we ever will? Anyway, I know too well the feeling of creeping around so as not to wake someone even though you wish more than anything that they would wake up and get out of bed!

    And, you’ve finally mentioned an artist whose name I recognize!! LOL Jill Sobele recorded an album a few years ago at the studio where I was working at the time. I didn’t meet her, but she recorded there (while I sat at my desk…)

    Happy Belated Birthday!

  2. i realized something a few years ago. The pressure you put on a certain day to have fun and enjoy it, the less likely you will. i try to approach special days like i would any other day, and usually i end up having a better time than i had hoped for.

    This isn’t the same as lowering your standards, it has more to do with just letting things be, and not overdoing it with pressure.

    i am glad you enjoyed your gifts. It seems the older you get, the fewer you get. That being so, they should also get better.

    Also, i rather like your term, wedgies…it adds some visual flair to the game.

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