The New Addition

Her name is Selkie, after the Celtic mythological creature. She’s a terror and a sweatheart. Thank heaven The Professor is on a vampire schedule at the moment, so Selkie has somebody to keep her amused while I try to sleep.

The Clueless Wonder is a little taken aback, but is getting used to sharing his abode with a kitten. This morning he and Selkie kitten were chasing each other through the aparment, taking turns as to who led and who followed.

She’s already broken a mirror, while climbing up on things she shouldn’t be climbing on. I fear other breakables and I will part company before she outgrows her hyperactive kittenhood.

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  1. She’s gorgeous! Is she black or grey? (hard to tell from the photo, but I think you said she was grey). Anyway, she is adorable. We almost brought one home oursleves last night… a litter of them are living in the alley by j’s house and they’re so damn cute… I just couldn’t do it though knowing we’re going to be driving across the country soon. I think it’ll be hard enough with the 2 grown cats without adding a baby to the mix. They are so irresistable though… and these are part manx (sp?) – no tails.

  2. *~Salamander~*

    I understand about Selkie. *Sighs* Cats, the animals of all animals. Cute, precious, adorable. Yet can be ferocious, teasing and a pain in the butt,lol.

    Anyway..good luck. Love,Alaina

  3. the kitten is adorable! my cat died right after easter and my mom went out and got 2 "kittens" to replace him. the monsters are 8 months and a year old! they’re not kittens! you have an adorable one. a suggestion, either lock up your breakables or put them high enough so the new baby can’t play with them. good luck!

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