Penultimate Day to Vacation.

*Sigh* I did too good a job of cleaning off my desk. I really only have make-work left, except for two items, both of which are beyond my control unless people get back to me. Honestly, I’m hoping they don’t get back to me. I don’t feel like dealing with either of those two items until I get back.

Spent the morning tweaking my diary around a bit, among other things. Got rid of that stupid one-item-menu on the left and made it a link in my footer instead. Added the previous and next buttons options that I didn’t see the point of when I first opened this diary. Discovered a problem where I can’t put a solid color background to the Navigation tool bar, only a graphic background. Every time I try to set the bgcolor to something, it turns blue instead. *grumble* Put the toolbar top and bottom of the page, which is something I’d noticed on other diaries and approve whole heartedly of. Bits and pieces. I’m probably the only person who will notice, but I feel like things are set up a bit more sensibly now.

A new pic of Clueless Wonder with Kitten:

I can’t believe how gentle CW is with her, even when he has plenty of excuse not to be.

The Professor and I did the whole “left-overs for dinner” routine again last night. I had left-over chicken that was still good, but had to be used soon or it wouldn’t be. He looked at me and asked how long it had been in the refrigerator. I told him (it had been fully cooked, wrapped and stuck in the refigerator six days previously). “It isn’t bad?” he asked doubtfully. “No, it isn’t bad,” I replied. “And I’m reheating it thoroughly.”

He didn’t believe it wouldn’t have gone bad. And he hates leftovers anyhow (that was definitely reinforced). I’ve been keeping the larder rather bare because I didn’t want food spoiling while we were on vacation. So I did the only thing I could do. I threw the chicken away and bought Boston Market dinners for both of us.

This is a man who will leave food (meat, vegetables, butter, whatever) out on the counter ALL NIGHT and then eat it the next day. This is not a stupid man. He’s taken basic biology. He knows that bacteria grow expodentially by the hour at room temps, and barely grow at all in the ‘fridge. If I had a “primal scream” .wav, I’d insert it here for your listening pleasure.

I begin to think he definitely has the better end of the deal. He gets to wash the dishes when he wants, if he wants. I have to have dinner prepared to his specifications every night.

Damn, I ranting again about washing dishes, aren’t I?

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  1. We had left over chicken last night at my house. Didn’t kill us, though it was only in the frige one day. LOL

    So when do you leave for CA and when do you return? Have fun!

  2. *~Salamander~*

    Awww the Kitten is really cute. I can kinda understand why CW is gentle with her and stuff. When we brought Magick home when she was a kitten all our cats were really gentle to her until she started getting moody and jealous,lol.

    Well cute picture! Love,Alaina

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