I’m not so sure, Candle.

Yesterday’s entry regarding vet school was a “wonderful story”? I tend to think of it as pretty pathetic. I sold out for something I didn’t really want to do because of pressure, pride and miscalculation. So what if my Ex insisted he knew me better than I knew myself? Why the hell did I capitulate to please him? Because I was sure I’d fail out? Well there’s a fine and noble reason to go to veterinary school.

The Ex wanted a “trophy wife”, only his idea of a trophy wasn’t a blond bimbo but instead a degreed professional. I was just trying to get even by going along. My thoughts were that, when I got booted out of school, he’d have had a “failure” for wife instead of a “trophy”. I figured once he was humbled by my lack of ability, he’d let me go for vet tech licensing, just so I’d be doing *something* and not embarrass him any further.

Unfortunately, I underestimated myself. I made it through. And while being a veterinarian is a nice ego boost (people call you doctor and think you are smarter than you really are) it’s also a living hell of trying to live up to something I’m not.

Ironically, now that I’ve got the vet degree, I’m overqualified to do what I wanted to do originally – be a vet tech. I not only shot myself in the foot, but also then proceeded to amputate the appendage.

But enough pathos – I do know how lucky I am to be where I am today, I know that there were 27 applicants at my vet school who were rejected because I was accepted, and whose life dreams were deferred or crushed because they didn’t get in. I know that there were hundreds of applicants across the country that were rejected for each one of us that got in. While I am not doing traditional small animal practice, I am doing a job that I (usually) enjoy. And, to my own amusement and chagrin, I do get a charge out of people calling me “Dr. Salamander”.

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  1. Dr. Salamander,

    Well, maybe "wonderful" was not the best word choice! I just meant that you should be proud for doing something you thought you couldn’t do. Maybe the Ex DID know you better than you knew yourself…? Anyway, you could always go back to the job you had before all of that! Or, if you still really want to do tech work… go for it. Just cause you’re over-qualified doesn’t mean you can’t find a way… where there’s a will, there’s a way. Maybe you could open your own Zoo!!

    Anyway, I think you did great! 🙂

  2. There’s a disturbing lack of confidence displayed in your entry. You didn’t think you could get your degree, and yet you did and I’m sure you didn’t just scrape by, too. Why are you always so sure of disaster? (see yesterday’s DT re: imminent doom at work)

  3. You can be sure that if my cat’s batteries ever need replacing, i need a heart transplant from a baboon, or i need to get the syrup changed out on my chocolate milking cow, you’re the Dr. i’ll call.

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