Jamisinc: On Housebreaking Puppies

If training has been consistent and gentle, a nine month puppy should be pretty thoroughly housebroken. Some dogs do take a little longer than others, though, so don’t despair yet.

Give a gander at Learn2 Housebreak your puppy. I just glanced through it, and while much of it probably doesn’t apply to your nine-month old puppy, you will still find much of it helpful.

Even before I located that site, I was going to ask if you had crate trained your dog. It’s a great thing to do with ALL dogs, and may help a lot with your problem. It isn’t too late – I’ve known young adult dogs that were successfully and happily crate trained.

Before you do any of that, though, you probably should get the puppy a thorough physical at the vets. There are a few physical reasons that could explain why your puppy isn’t training according to schedule, including certain internal birth defects or a low grade bladder infection. It is important to rule out a physical reason, since, if your pup does have a problem, all the training in the world isn’t going to help you.

Additional information can be found by going to Google.com and typing in key words “housebreak* puppy”. There are other good references that come up as well. Hope this helps.

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  1. Dr Salamander,

    Can I bend your professional ear? Our 9 month old half beagle-half jack russell terrier is so smart is all ways, but we cannot seem to house train him. He seems to be confused,,,we take him out after he eats or drinks and if it has been long since his last trip or whenever we think he might be hinting that he needs to go. But he will often hold it while outside to just come in and do it in the house. Do you know of a good book or website that might address this?



  2. *Very Confused Look* After all that spilled ink regarding his offbeat schedule, you’re now kvetching that he’ll have a normal one? *faints*

    And you probably have a lock on the golf, Southern Elf assures me she is REALLY bad.

  3. The animal which symbolizes me is Sickness of the Horbabulae. The color of my soul is Miller Time. Erm, okay. I’m going to go over here and be concrete for a minute…. 🙂

  4. Ah, Shay, does it have to be all or nothing? I’ll be glad to see the Professor once in a while, but 100% of my free time, non-stop? That’s enough to kill any relationship.

    And I don’t believe I kvetched all that much about the Prof’s weird hours. I even recall saying once or twice that it didn’t bother me all that much ….

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