A rant – Because I can’t leave well enough alone.

Yesterday I ran into this little piece of tripe:

Man, the red cross is really milking this…

Do people in SoCal think their blood is getting airlifted to New York or something? There’s a HUGE blood drive in the college quad. It’s just opportunism on their part. *Makes cha-ching noise*

When it was noted that other hospitals also need blood too, this person responded:

The red cross is making a quite large amount of money from this is my point. And perpetuating it as much as they can.

And when it was pointed out that the Red Cross needs a large amount of money, this person’s final rejoinder was;

… A matter of opinion I suppose. Let me just say that the heads of the red cross are not exactly paupers and it annoys me sometimes and leave it at that.

This is the same person who claimed to be “apolitical” and therefore was virtually unaffected by current events a week or so ago.

I can see that I am still in a volatile state of mind. I want to reach across several thousand miles and shake this person until his eyeballs rattle out. I want to slap some sense into this person’s insensitive head. I want to perform surgery without the benefit of anaesthetics.

Instead, I am attempting to ignore this person’s existence, so as to prevent adding another needless death to the already too high death toll. I’m hoping that typing this out here will serve as sufficient pressure release that I will not pick a fight with a fool.

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  1. Miracles happen! Don’t give up hope yet ;o)

    I got a nice book recently as a gift. Clarke’s Rendevous with Rama, to replace the copy I haven’t been able to find for a couple decades. I love books :o)

  2. wouldn’t it be great if you could dish train the cats? 6 paws could do great things!

    i love bookstores too! of course, working in a library is da bomb! but i prefer a public one as opposed to a medical one.


  3. I am the worlds most terrified-of-dentists person! I swear!

    so I totally identify with what is going on..

    I need to go see the dentist cause I’m sure I need a filling or two..

    but the fact that I need a filling or who is totally stopping me from going!! ?? :/

    I love books.

    Borders is heaven.

    books + coffee = 🙂

  4. Hey, it happened to me! Was dreading the dirty dish saga last night, and walked in the door and low and behold…the dishes were almost all done! Hope it’s your turn for that tonight.

    Oh, and I’ll make a deal with you. You make the appointment with your dentist and I’ll make the appointment with my Dr. to have that dreaded pap test re-done… (you go 1st!)

  5. I had the joy of getting two fillings taken care of yesterday. I’m happy to report that the worst part was the needle to numb my mouth! 🙂 Take it slow and it will be ok…

    As for the blood thing, what a jerk! I plan on donating blood on the 13th regardless of whether the blood stays here or goes to NY/ DC. How ridiculous to assume its a case of profiteering. UGH!

  6. <speechless> Ursula K. LeGuin has added to Earthsea? Yeehaw! I see a visit to a bookstore in my immediate future.

    Meanwhile, dentists are much better than they used to be. Barring really good psychoactive drugs, I don’t think they’ll ever be fun. But they’re not the traumatic experience they were in my youth, anyhow. Good luck.

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