Sick … and tired

Can’t shake this bronchitis. I spent most of the weekend gasping for breath. Walking up the two flights of stairs to my apartment winds me to the point where I have to sit down and rest for fifteen minutes after undertaking the effort. I’ve had to do the stairs quite a few times this weekend – six loads of wash, spot shopping, DVD rentals, running trash out. Couldn’t eat much at all last night, which won’t hurt me at all. I can afford to live off the “fat of the land” for a while.

Saturday night nothing would do but The Professor had to introduce me to “Evil Dead 2”. I asked why were weren’t starting with “Evil Dead 1” and was told that “ED2” was the same movie redone with a bigger budget. All I can say is that it’s a good thing that a successful relationship does not depend upon both parties enjoying the same movies. I no longer feel guilty about subjecting The Prof to “Dancer in the Dark” last week. This was far, far more odious to sit through.

Last night I was too sick to do much of anything else, so The Prof ran out for a movie. He rented “Evil Dead 1”. *cringe* I ended up closing my eyes and resting my head on his shoulder. He thought it was romantic, and it spared me from having to watch any more of it. I can’t believe he’s seen both of those movies over half a dozen times each.

The Kitten from Hell crept onto my lap partway through the movie and fell asleep. She was so stealthy about it that I really didn’t notice her until she’d already established herself. I’d like to think that this is a sign that she’s finally quieting down, but I refuse to allow myself to self-delude in that matter. She was just tired from the havok she’d raised all weekend.

Before the movie, the Clueless Wonder had established himself quite happily in my lap. He was just nodding off when KfH decided she wanted my lap as well. She oozed in on the other side and started trying to crowd out CW (who is still twice her size). He started to hiss and growl (something I never knew he was capable of until we got KfH). The ended up trading swats and mock bites (all while still on my lap). KfH persisted, and CW finally gave way and jumped off. This, of course, meant that KfH now had an active playmate to persecute, and so she lept off after him. And I was left without a lapwarmer.

The Internet Troll that plagues my life in my other incarnation has found DearDiary. I hope he doesn’t begin to plague other Diarists, and am unsure what to do at this point. I’ve left no direct trail between the other diary and this one, so he won’t discover this diary unless he happens to stumble over it. He is very good a spreading random bile throughout his known universe, though, and I fear the pickings here at DD will be very tempting to him. I’ll just have to wait and see if he decides to inflict himself on other diaries. I can give Steve and Matt a list of perhaps two dozen IP#’s he’s used, but I don’t know if that would actually prove to be of any help, since I don’t believe they block IP#’s at this site. If things show any sign of getting out of hand, I’ll have to consider shutting the other diary down completely. I do not want this idiot running rampant here and ruining yet another site.

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  1. Evil Dead 1… hmm…if I remember correctly, that’s the one with the scene of the girl sitting on the floor twirling her hair around her fingers and laughing…?

    Oh, and you’re right about Squeak. She did do us a service. 🙂

  2. i hope you feel better, please take care of yourself!..btw, i was speaking of the lab cats at school today, although, i’d hate to think what my orangehead could do under the KofH’s direction!! look-out!

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