Cereal, sofas and supper with friends

Take the Which Breakfast Food Are You? Quiz.

I was hoping for oatmeal, myself, but cinnamon raison toast works too, I guess.

It was a busy weekend. Things started Friday – my appointment for the colonoscopy is set for this coming Friday afternoon. That makes things a little awkward, since I’m scheduled for an all day seminar on foreign animal diseases on Thursday, when I’m permitted nothing but clear fluids and jello. Hopefully I won’t look too obvious when I skip lunch. I wonder if anyone will notice if I bring my own jello. I’ll skip detailing the other preparations I have to subject myself to for this, but I’m not looking forward to it. I’m just glad that I’m getting this over with quickly, rather than waiting around for weeks to get it scheduled. I’m also glad The Professor is available to take me too and from. It would have been a bitch to have to go through all this and then to have to take a taxi besides!

Saturday we went out to run errands in the morning. The Indian grocery store that The Professor wanted to purchase his rice at was closed at its regular opening time, so I asked him if he’d mind killing some time at a local furniture outlet while we waited for it to open. It was simply an “on a lark” thing – I didn’t anticipate actually finding anything there, but it turned out that the prices were incredibly reasonable, and I was able to purchase what I wanted for about half of what I was prepared to spend. I’ll have a new sofa and love seat in about six weeks time! The sofa converts to a queen sized bed, so I’m now in a better position to accomodate visitors. I want to find a new coffee table as well, but there’s no rush for that. I’ve contacted the ex, with the same old ploy that I’ll probably have to throw this stuff out if he isn’t interested in taking it. I figure he’ll safe me the trouble of paying someone to cart the old furniture off.

By the time we left the furniture store, it had started to snow. That was shortly before noon, and it continued to snow throughout the rest of the day. The Professor, attempting to get himself back on a workaday schedule, retired mid-afternoon, so he missed the best part of the snowstorm. I had my hot chocolate, my scones, and my book. Kitten from Hell and I curled up on the love seat in front of the glass balcony door, KfH sleeping for most of the time while I read my latest C.J. Cherryh. Every once in a while we’d both look up and watch the snow falling. Quality bonding time.

I finally got around to taking my Christmas lights down from the balcony Saturday in the midst of the storm. Talk about ironies: I put them up in seventy degree weather, and took them down in while it was snowing.

Sunday MWUFFLTHB and the Texan Elf stopped in. We had an early dinner (The Professor’s Gumbo, which seared the mucosal linings off of my intestines, and which the poor Texan Elf attempted gallantly to finish, but could only manage about half of) and my crawfish etouffe. We went out to watch Fellowship of the Ring (my fourth viewing, and probably the last for a while) and came back to the apartment for a bit more visiting before they had to leave. The cats behaved for the most part, although KfH did manage to grab and molest the roll of toilet paper while they were there. She was also at her absolute cutest, crawling up into Texan Elf’s chair and begging for attention. Clueless Wonder also had a good time being the center of attention. The Warrior Princess sulked in the back bedroom.

MWUFFLTHB gave me the biggest laugh of the evenin when he referred to the Internet forum we all frequent as “The No Kids Board”. I hadn’t realized it before, but most of us who post there are adults with pets and no children. The few who do have kids mostly use the forum as a means of escaping them for a little bit.

Right now I’m sitting in the office, watching the snow fall and wishing I were anywhere but here. In my next incarnation, I intend to be born independently wealthy.

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  1. In your next incarnation, can I be your sister?

    The snow and your dinner sounds fantastic. Boy do I miss Southern foods! I would kill for a mess of crawfish and some Gumbo….


  2. next incarnation, I’d like to be rich and smart. To have money is one thing, but to spend it all stupidly is another. Snow it’s 68 and sunny here, headed to the mts..Yosemeite to eat lunch with parents, have a great snowy day.

  3. My walking partner is having a colonoscopy (SP?) this morning. She was a bit worried about the "preparing" and then having 1 1/2 hours of drive time. She said her doctor never told her to alter her diet and go the jello route like most others do.

    Might have to request your recipe later this year when the crayfish make an appearance in the river. Sounds yummy!!!!

  4. mmmmm crawfish etoufee… yummmmm… i’m so jealous, i’m a grilled cheese and tomato soup kind of a cook… absolutely love hearing about your kitten from hell!

    congrats on the new sofa!

    take care,


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