A day without sunshine

Metaphorically anyhow. My laptop when to the computer hospital this morning. I think the guys in MIS got tired of me griping about the cursor with a mind of its own. Or maybe they just thought they owed me for the double-nut brownies. Regardless, the CD driver is still not installed, and it’s anybody’s guess if the problem of my self-closing windows has been fixed. I have a new touchpad driver installed, and a new mouse to play with, so we’ll see what happens now.

I’ve allowed myself to get sucked into political debate on the message board I call home. Actually, I’m not debating politics so much as one person’s ability to twist historical facts to suit his own aims. Said person has got a wonderful fixation technique where he discovers a fact and uses it to his own ends, ignoring all the other facts of context that change the meaning of what he’s saying. In this case it’s a situation equivalent to saying that the British theatre killed Abraham Lincoln because Booth was a well-known actor from a famous family of Shakespeareans originating from England. Regardless, I’m taking a deep swallow and putting this guy on my metaphorical “ignore” list. I love a good discussion, but I’m tired of being told how evil my country is.

On other unrelated topics, Kitten from Hell has discovered the garbage disposal. A fact that scares me not a little. I had pushed an egg shell into it last night, which apparently failed to grind it. I found said egg shell underneath my desk this morning. I have visions of her getting her head stuck in it once she gets a little bigger. I’m going to have to keep the plug in the drain here on out, I guess. It’s becoming impossible to predict where she’s going to find trouble to get into. I managed to get a few good shot of the little trouble-maker yesterday; I’ll try to load them to my diary tonight.


Magnetic Poetry Creation of the Afternoon

betweeen nightfall and morning

a vine of snow cold dream

grows through the frosted window

fermenting a thick tasting sleep

it blooms cloud colored flowers

that produce hard seeds of winter

that never come to life when kissed by

the soft spring rain of morning sun

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  1. You know, in reality, everybody dreams every night…if you don’t, you’re dead. The problem is remembering the dreams. Dreams are easier remembered when we are awakened during them.

    Yours last night was strange… and you didn’t even love the Prof? 🙁

    Like the poem!

  2. the egg is moving! 🙂

    must be something in the air, i had a horrific dream saturday night…but a late night call made everything okay. very interesting dream, wonder what it meant??

  3. what a grand dream! i’m sorry you said you didn’t love the prof in your dream. ouch! that must’ve felt awful. my dreams are so random and crazy, but i can’t really think of anything i’ve dreamt off the top of my head that gave me a chill. i did dream that i died twice, but i found both of those dreams pleasant.

    i love your magnetic poetry!

  4. Can’t wait for the KfH pics :). My mum is waiting, too LOL.

    Oh, another GOOD poem by the magnetic gadget. I’m beginning to want one of those.


  5. Double nut brownies??! My mouth is watering!

    Oh God, I’m gonna be worried about KfH getting her head or paw chopped off in the disposal… I’ve seen too many horror movies. I’m scared to death of garbage disposals (something I never saw in Canada).

  6. The SecretPoo is a quiet fellow

    Not usually loud, more like mellow

    He likes to make his friend feel happy

    Which is why, he leaves his crappy

    Here’s a cheer up turd



    Fertisilising DD since 11/02/02

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