
1) I was given a nice bottle of California Merlot for Christmas. Merlot is not my favorite, though I will drink it happily when it is a gift. I have discovered that a generous wedge of lime squeezed into a glass of Merlot miraculously turns it into something that rather transcends description. Of course, it may well be that it transcends description because I’ve had three glasses right now. I’d be working on my fourth except that I have an oversized grey Kitten on my lap that I choose not to disturb at the moment.

2) There is nothing so calming as an animal that decides to put its complete trust in you. Take, for example, the aforesaid oversized grey Kitten on my lap. She wakes up only when she senses she’s going to have her picture taken for the sake of cuteness. The dangling camera strap is tantamount to an instant wake up call. Remove the camera strap, and said kitten returns to sleep. I exist for her pleasure. I rather like that. There is something in the world that I can please 100%, that trusts me implicitly regardless of the number of times I lose patience with it, that loves me so unconditionally it makes my heart hurt sometimes. Then again, it could just be the wine talking.

3) On Trust: I’ve decided that I don’t trust too much. I expect too much. I am the Turtle, from the fable of the Snake and the Turtle.

“Carry me across the river,” asked the Snake of the Turtle. “I cannot swim, but you are planning to swim across anyhow, and could carry me.” “No,” said the Turtle, “for you are a Snake, and would bite me, and then I would die.” “I will not bite you,” said the Snake. “I cannot swim, and would drown when you died.” The Turtle bows to the logic of the Snake, and allows the Snake to climb upon her back. She begins to cross the river, with the Snake wrapped firmly about her shell. At the midpoint of the river, the Snake strikes, biting the Turtle on the neck. “Why have you bitten me?” cries the Turtle as she sinks beneath the water. “I will die and you will drown.” “I could not help myself, said the Snake. “I am a Snake. How could you expect differently of me?”

I will always be the Turtle. That does not mean that I will always give the Snake a ride. But then again, that could be the wine talking.

4) On Friendship: There is no definable line between acquaintance and friend. Friends are who I say they are. It comes from the gut. It comes from the heart. My brain, which has proved untrustworthy in the past anyhow, gets little say in the matter. If my subconscious decides to extend Friendship your way, you’re stuck with me. It has nothing to do with whether or not I’ve met you face to face. It has nothing to do with whether you have a perfect track record with life, the universe, and everything. It has nothing to do with where you live, how well you spell, or whether or not your politics match mine. It has to do with whether or not I believe that you are Snake, who would strike me down mid-river.

I have recently had encounters with two Snakes, who would elect to strike mid-river rather than agree to be carried across. They cannot help themselves. They are Snakes. It does not mean they are unworthy of friendship. It merely means they won’t have my friendship. Or my trust. One is reading this, and knows of whom I speak. The other knows nothing of a Salamander Turtle, and it will stay that way. It doesn’t matter if you know my philosophy, or understand it. Frankly, I could care less. I only care whether or not you understand me if you are my friend.

I rather doubt that is the wine talking.

5) On Hate:It was called to my attention today that somebody believes I hate them. That is laughable. To hate, you have to care. I don’t give a shit about you. That is not the wine talking.

6) I believe I’ll have another glass of wine: Please excuse me a second.

7) What is worth getting upset about?: The electoral college, which allows a president to be elected with a minority of votes – that’s worth getting upset about. Injustice, which allows a rich man with lots of lawyers and prime time television exposure to go free while a poor man languishes in jail until DNA testing finally proves him innocent (and even then he has to wait to be released) – that’s worth getting upset about. People who fail to see animals as living, feeling creatures and abuse and mistreat them – that’s worth getting upset about. Somebody who hurts people I regard as friends – that’s worth getting upset about. A private meeting place for friends that is coopted by someone with an agenda, whose persistently ill-researched missives and hyperbolic rhetoric are aimed at antagonizing the very people that he claims to be attempting to convert to his point of view – that is worth getting upset about. Being told to go “fuck myself” – I have my pride; that is worth getting upset about. Kittens who simply do not understand that my mother’s irreplaceable Baleek teacup is not a play toy – let it slide. The Baleek doesn’t love you. Your mother would have loved the Kitten. Let it slide. A man who loves you so much that he blanches at the mere thought of losing you … who loves you so much that he comes to bed and wants to hold you and talk to you and understand you … a man whose problems render down to occasional lapses in courtesy and thoughtfulness. Let it slide, Salamander, let it slide.

There is someone in the world that I can please 100%, who trusts me implicitly regardless of the number of times I lose patience with him, who loves me so unconditionally it makes my heart hurt sometimes. Let the rest slide, Salamander.

The wine has truth in it.

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  1. Yikes on the employee pulling out a handgun! Scary!

    As for the relationship/ friendship musings… I look forward to hearing what you have to relate on that. I’m sure it will be thought provoking for me as well. Take your time and the right words will come as always.

    Love ya, Jen

  2. !!!!!!!!that is terrifying, sal!!!!!! be careful!!!!!i’m speechless!!!!!!!!!!!!

    …..waits patiently for sal’s words of wisdom on online friendships and trust.

  3. I’ve had very little hate in my life, but there’s some people I’d hate if I had any more contact with them, I think.

    I also think that whether and how much I get bent out of shape over something is strongly related to my overall mood at the time of the incident. Unless it’s one of those things that absolutely can’t be shrugged off.

  4. i don’t and can’t hate people, unless they prove completely destructive to others without a care. sometimes i fear i give people a little too much of the benefit of the doubt…..thus, learning of someone who doesn’t do the same (and feels hatred very readily) causes me to blink in confusion.

    in addition, i generally consider a person a friend unless/until he or she proves otherwise. all the while, i try not to get into a position where i can be betrayed–at least, to the best of my introverted abilities.

  5. I think I understand it. Although I tried it, and still did not come up with it. Do you think that you could email me directly at [email protected] and I could give you the two IPs that I was wondering about. If I knew even what state they originated from that would tell me. Thank you.

  6. Transcendental Wine. Sounds good!

    Hey, was that mysterious smoking pan by chance Teflon? If so, check to see if there are any scratches or anything that goes through the teflon to the metal. All of mine who get those smoke horribly.

    Thanks for the survey!


  7. What a day you had! Very thought provoking post. Good perspective there. Meanwhile, I’m on Outlook, but S hates it. He uses Eudora Light. I don’t know anything about it, but you might want to see what’s what.

  8. Ah, yes, wine, like all "good" mood-enhancing drugs, has truth in it. I’ve not tried Merlot with lime, but I’m curious now – I do like Merlot. Your discoveries here are profound and well written – and as usual, you are absolutely right in what you say. I just wish the snakes would get the picture and stop biting.

  9. i’m shocked, stunned, and amazed. wonderful insight, sal. it’s so hard to put things into perspective and let them slide.

    gosh. i don’t know what else to say (except that my babies get a bad rap).

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