A Quiz Courtesy of PixieThin

No cutesy buttons with this one, just some interesting questions.

5 Favorite Drugs Store Items

1. picture frames (my drug store always has cheap and different ones)

2. miniatures (you know, little toothpastes, little shampoos, little soaps)

3. Hair color (ever since I started last summer, I’ve been staring at the boxes, daring myself to get a little more bold. Haven’t quite worked up the nerve yet.)

4. Office supplies (I’m a sucker for anything that can go in a desk)

5. Perfume (I don’t wear makeup, but I love perfume, especially the little trial sizes.)

5 Reasons for not/doing drugs

1. My brain is weird enough without external help.

2. They’re illegal, and I always am the one to get caught.

3. My company randomly drug tests.

4. I’m an addictive personality; no point in looking for trouble.

5. I just don’t see the point.

5 Things I Loved About Elementary School

1. Tempera paint.

2. The library; All those books, and they let me take out any one I wanted! Who’d have ever thought it?

3. Wax beans. I was the only kid in my class that liked them, and on days they were served I always ate my way to bloat.

4. Jingle Balls, yo-yos and clackers. Either you’re my age and understand, or you don’t.

5. Being a big fish in a little pond. Back then I thought I was smart. Now i know better.

5 Thing I Plan To Do In The Near Future

1. Back up the thousand plus digital photographs from my hard drive before something evil happens to them.

2. Get my taxes done. Which means shaking the tax information I need out of my ex. This weekend, if possible. They’re starting to keep me awake at night.

3. Re-register Norton. Mine expires the end of this month, and the on-line subscription keeps rejecting my User number, so I have to call them on the phone. This is going to be a royal pain in the butt.

4. Start bugging the Zoo again about volunteer positions. If they’re forming a new docent class for fall, they’ll be selecting the students in the very near future.

5. Get the oil changed in my car before I cook the engine.

5 Things I say the Most

1. “Actually …”

2. “I was just going to say that!”

3. “I am not the maid service.”

4. “[insert cat’s name], STOP THAT NOW!”

5. “I live to serve.” (Everybody laughs when I say that for some reason.)

5 Things That Scare Me

1. Not being able to save enough for retirement.

2. When The Prof gets angry/frustrated enough to hit something (always an inanimate object, and only three times in the past 18 months).

3. Moving and having to find a new job.

4. A recurrence of my heart condition.

5. Alzheimers or other degenerative brain condition.

5 Things That Make Me Laugh

1. The not-so-Kitten

2. My net friends

3. The opening chapter to Edward Abbey’s book “The Fool’s Progress”, when Our Hero shoots his refrigerator

4. The short that came on before Monster’s Inc. with the birds on the wire.

5. The scene from “All Creatures Great and Small” when Tristan blows up the shed.

5 Things That Make Me Angry

1. Being lied to.

2. People who proselytize and call it “debate”.

3. Telemarketers.

4. People who expect me to read their minds.

5. Being told to “go fuck yourself”.

5 Things I Love

1. The Professor

2. Clueless Wonder

3. ACfH

4. A handful of very good friends

5. A good book, a good glass of wine, and a comfortable place to enjoy them quietly

5 Things I Can’t Do

1. A stadium whistle. I’ve tried for forty years. Just can’t do it.

2. Draw. I have the eye, I have the motivation, but I don’t have the talent.

3. Reach the top shelf of anything. Consider me vertically challenged.

4. Use chopsticks. Sensory loss in my fingers, especially my right hand. Just can’t do it.

5. Get the hiccoughs just once in a day. If I get them, they keep coming back, and back, and back …. It can get very embarassing.

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  1. I think that if it isn’t addressed to you or your friends that it’s probably best not to start a debate if opinions haven’t been requested.

  2. depending on the maturity level you can deduce from the writer’s style, i’d say a rebuttal may be more trouble than it’s worth. no need to hit your head against a brick wall.

    besides, you can rebuttal in your own journal without naming names.

  3. sometimes it’s not worth dignifying junk with a response.

    i’m 2 classes shy from spring break…YAY!!!

    of course the weather here is pretty nice eh?

  4. Very rarely will anyone change theior mind about their beliefs and convictions just form a comment from someone else. I think you took the right road. Why cause yourself heartache because someone else disagrees with you.

  5. I know you don’t want to hear this…I went to bed at 8 and woke up at 4:30, guess I got my beauty sleep.

    As far as those nasty BlueMeanies go……….a little Fleets would do them well.

  6. i agree with franny

    btw, i went to those sites to see if you could submit and to my embarrassment both sites are voyeur sites :-/

    i had *no* idea..

    i’m considering doctoring the pics so those urls don’t show


  7. The different ways people think almost never surprises me these days.

    There is much of it that is sad and misguided, but there is little one can do about it directly.

    But one, just one, has surprising power when one has the power of conviction.

    And even greater power when one is right.

    Gentle exercise of that power sometimes has surprising results.

    Perhaps you might have influenced that diarist or someone else to think reconsider their thoughts?

    Injustice flourishes when good men and women do nothing.

    _|m/ ADM

  8. LOL @ #5 of things that make you angry! 🙂

    I think you did the right thing about not commenting on what you saw earlier in the diary. I read a lot of things I disagree with, but then I realize it is their diary to write whatever they want. Its just their opinion, which in fact, doesn’t matter to me at all! 🙂

  9. I really enjoyed reading your list. I never did drugs when I was at Penn State back in the sixties/early seventies, although I was surrounded by it….mainly because I knew I did not have enough brain cells to waste even one.

    Thanks for sharing your list. Also, it is tough to figure whether to comment or not about uninformed opinions. I have heard it said if more people would have spoken up concerning Hitler……but, who’s to say , really?


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