Another Cat Story

The Professor retired early last night at around 9:00. I had a few things to file, and get ready for today, so I stayed up another hour or so. I took care of most of what I had to, and went to take a shower. I nearly took a picture of the cats as I left the living room, because all three of them were curled up on the sofa or love seat, looking like furry, contented meatloafs.

After the shower, I returned to the living room to gather up my things for work. I had already turned the lights off, and was operating by touch and the hall light behind me. While at my computer desk, I heard a sound from the dining room table that made me jump. I looked, and there were two sets of eyes glowing from atop the table in the dark.

The following pictures were taken in the dark, by flash.

Once ACfH realized she’d been caught out, she bailed from the table and attempted to hide under the desk. She knew what happened to bad kitties who jumped up on the kitchen counter and dining room table. It doesn’t stop her from doing it, but she does at least attempt stealth.

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Warrior Princess, however, copped attitude like only royalty can do. It was her table, and she didn’t see what all the fuss was about. Since she didn’t see what the fuss was about, there should be no fuss. I could just about hear her thinking at me, “Oh, for crying out loud, put the camera down and go to bed so I can go back to sleep.”

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Even when Mr. Squirt Bottle was brought out to play, she stood her ground. All I have to do is shake the bottle at ACfH or CW, and they run away. WP disdains the weapon, however, and never really believes I’ll have the audacity to use it until she is thoroughly soaked. Then, of course, she walks (quickly) away, full of wounded pride and incredulity.

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And Clueless Wonder? He was just where I left him, alseep on top of the back of the love seat. My good kitty.

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