The link should work now.

Sorry about that, Slipperperson. It appears that URL’s work better when they have the “www.” is included in the link. [hangs head in shame]

Seven hours to go.

My company puts little inspirational sayings on our pay stubs. Today’s was:


I suppose it makes good free form poetry, but I’m not sure of the application in the real world, where McDonalds and USA Today rule the day.

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  1. LOL! you know that eventually, AfH will figure out how to use that sabre or at least break it..

    i can see her now wearing a little black helmut and long cape..hehehe…

    every morning i have to compete to use the sink…my kitty loves hanging in there with the water dripping on her tail!

  2. ACfH is beginning to sound like my Jazz. She always wants to sit on my lap (or S’s) in the bathroom! And lord forbid you should shut the bathroom door before she gets in there with you! She’ll scrath and cry until you let her in… and don’t get me started on leaving for work in the mornings! She sits in the window crying as I walk away…

    God cats are wonderful creatures!

  3. Ha ha!

    You obviously haven’t seen my April 16, 2002 entry! :o)

    You’d be at it all day.

    Or have you seen it…and just chose to pretend it wasn’t there? ;o)

  4. Hmmm…I heard some good things about the new Star Wars. It’s getting a lot of mixed reviews from critics and fans alike. Go to Yahoo, click on Star Wars II, then click on "user reviews." There are over 300 reviews so far and most of them loved it. Looks like Yoda steals the movie!

  5. i have all appendages and otherwise crossable parts crossed for the prof. acfh……aww. how sweet! she loves her salamander.

    i couldn’t get to the page with the light sabers, but oh can i imagine what fun the boy and i would have if we had a set!!!!!!! sound affects, too? be still my cavernous heart.

  6. I’ve got my fingers crossed for the Prof, too. Sounds like he’s in really good shape, since he knows all the technology.

    About the "blue in nature" question–I was *hoping* you’d answer it! I figured if anybody knew, it would be Salamander! *waves light saber*

  7. You can write as many entries as you want…I won’t complain. LOL! My very own light saber…how cool would that be??!!


    P.S. ROFL about bookstore comment. That wasn’t rationalization was it? Works for me though. Now I know I have a purpose in life!

  8. My goodness…Im going to have to come back and spend a hour or two catching up here.Now,I love to read….its just you write faster than I read!! hehe

    Hope the Prof. gets the job he is wanting.

    LOL@the cat from hell on your lap, just when,….well you know!! hehe


  9. Hey Sal,

    Have a good time for me! I can’t wait to see it, whenever that’ll be…? Anyway, use the force Sal and yeah ahve a great time! *hugs*


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