Disjointed paragraphs.

The days at work are getting busier, as people start to acknowlege that I’m not all that likely to drop dead at their feet with little warning. I spent very little time at my desk today, and I found I rather liked that. While desk work is nice once in a while, the day goes far more quickly when I’m out and doing. Having said that, I’m planning to talk to the Boss tomorrow about shortening my work days. I didn’t leave my desk until six this evening. That’s too long a day for me, and I freely acknowledge it. I may not be frail, but I abdicate my superhero status for the duration.

Tomorrow is macaroni and cheese day at work. The corporate cafeteria makes the best mac and cheese with stewed tomato I’ve ever had outside my house. Employees buy it by the gallon and take it home for the family dinner. Of course, it’s loaded with salt, but I knew Monday this was coming so I’ve been painfully good. And tomorrow I’m going to cheat. So there. I just hope my kidneys remember what to do with sodium once they see some again.

Speaking of limiting salt intake, the swelling in my legs got bad enough that I’ve had to begin wearing surgical stockings to keep the edema down. They do a nice job, but the dang things were made for people with normal legs. With my 27 inch inseam the stockings are far too long, and simply will not lay right at the top of my thigh. They tend to roll down and tourniquet my leg during the course of the day. I tried to get some custom fitted ones last weekend, but the place that carries them turns out not to be open on weekends. I hate to lose work time over this, but it’s probably a better alternative than having the circulation cut off in my legs by about mid-afternoon.

A couple at work want to meet The Socialist and I for dinner and perhaps a movie Saturday. The Socialist will not be thrilled, but they’ve been good to me the whole time I was out, and I do enjoy their company. I just wish there was a movie out that I wanted to see right now. I have no idea what to suggest we do after dinner.

I feel like I should say at least one profound thing in my update, but something about being brain-dead from exhaustion is stopping me. I’m going to find some easy something-or-other for dinner and go to bed.

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  1. All the kids in my class were taking about the movie that movie Jackass. It sounded awful, and looked it from the previews. Wish I had something to suggest, but being the homebody that I am, nothing comes to mind.

    Enjoy the mac and cheese, a little spluring shouldn’t do too much harm.

    (I thought about the roadkill idea also. I don’t know what Fish and Wildlife have in mind. The bird looks very ragged…)

  2. Have you ever thought of pretending you’d died during your lunch break? That would get some excitement going through your building, I’m sure.

    I saw a really neat Edward Gorey book at the bookstore the other day. I’m hoping to get it for christmas.

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