Oh for crying out loud!

The “dick” in “Moby Dick” gets censored by the Dear Diary on the Most Recent Updates List?


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  1. LOL @ the dick !! At least you put a smile on my face 🙂

    Think we may all miss Mr Butt too…….seemed like he had potential that needed to be cultivated, since he attempted at growing tobacco in your garden failed , as he didnt have the idea quite right.

    If its any help, I have 4 swimmers.Admittedly all the same size, but I do have 4!! LOL

    This 2 and 3 am awakening must be wearing thin.

    Well….what about somethinh homeopathic or la natural, yes?


  2. You may be getting no sleep, but you still have your sense of humor. Only problem is that I feel guilty laughing.

    Glad you will be done with all your running around so you can at least enjoy your enforced vacation before heading back to work.

  3. glad to hear you’ve rejoined the gym! i hope that it’s enjoyable for you. don’t know anything about aquatic aerobics, but that definitely sounds low-impact.

    i don’t blame you about the swim suit thing, though. not one of my favorite pieces of clothing.

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