Pity parties and clothes shopping.

I seem to be heading into another pity-party-period. I think it was the clothes shopping over the weekend that set it off. There’s nothing that ruins a person’s self-image like cruising the maternity section of a department store for clothes when you aren’t pregnant. Except perhaps cruising the maternity section of a department store for clothes, only to find they don’t fit.

Nothing fits now. I’ve purchased elastic-waistband slacks that would under ordinary circumstances be several sizes too large for me. I left normal circumstances behind in July though. I wear my pants like an old short-waisted man, pulled up completely over my abdomen to nearly my ribcage. And still the elastic cuts in mercilessly after a few hours of wear. My shirts no longer button after the topmost two or three buttons are fastened. I wear oversized t-shirts (not tucked in) with open flannel shirts over top, to hide the bulge. At least, I thought I was hiding the bulge, until I walked past a very reflective glass display case at work this morning. I look OK head on, but seen from the side I resemble nothing so much as some bloated dead thing, about ready to explode. Stand back! And don’t light any open flames in the area, just in case. I almost wish I would burst and relieve some of this pressure.

OK, got that out of my system. In spite of my little self-perception problem, the weekend went well. Dinner out with my friend from IT and his wife was a lot of fun; even The Socialist had a good time. Don’t believe Outback Steakhouse when they tell you that they’re call-ahead seating is an improvement on their old system of booking no reservations and waiting three hours for a table though. We called ahead for a table at 3:00 that afternoon. We wanted a table at 5:30. They told us that they wouldn’t be able to accommodate us until 6:00 or so (they’re cagey about giving actual times). We didn’t actually get seated until well after 7:00. OK … that was an improvement over people who tried to walk in, since they were told the wait would be three and a half hours! You’d think there wasn’t anywhere else to eat in the neighborhood. Or that they were giving away steaks. (Believe me, neither was the case Saturday night.)

After dinner we went over to their house and played Uno, a game I hadn’t played since my teens. The first two hands went quickly, but the third hand …. That third hand of Uno lasted for over two hours. It was well past midnight by the time that hand ended, so we called it a game. I was exhausted, and the Socialist drove us home. I slept until nearly eleven the next morning, and it felt *good*.

My workplace is a very busy scene of concerned people at the moment. While it doesn’t directly impact on my position, the one thing my company has tried to prevent more than any other thing has come close to happening. My department is caught up in events, my boss has been inundated with phone calls, and many of my co-workers have had to drop everything to attend to this latest problem. This will be a good week for me to start cutting my days shorter and come in as late as possible. My assistance is not needed for the current crisis, and I probably want to stay as far away from it as possible.

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  1. I know this is easy for me to say but remember, the bloated state is temporary. Is there a time frame for when you can expect the transplant?

    I’ve never been to the Outback, eventually I will find a reason to venture towards one.

    I love Uno, the kids used to play all the time.

    Glad to hear you will be taking it easy at work!

  2. I tend to stay away from restaurants where you need reservations. Part of that has to do with me liking quiet restaurants, and any restaurant where you need a reservation to eat dinner is probably too busy for my tastes.

    You know, I can’t remember if I’ve played Uno or not. That sounds familiar, but I’m not sure if I’m mixing it up with another game. I don’t play card games with Mrs Stun anymore. I always end up losing my temper and then we don’t speak for a few days. (she’s a card playing fiend while I still can’t even hold them straight so guess who always loses.)

  3. Does the concern have anything to do with turkeys?

    You dress now the way I dress around the house everyday. Ah, yes, I am a fashion statement among the fishwives.

    Get yourself a Lane Bryant catalog. Maternity clothes………..I’m so lucky, my daughter gave me hers =)

  4. Shhhh, I’m going to tell you a secret….Outback’s curb take-away system is AWESOME. The restaurant’s only about a mile from my work. I call it in, wait 20 minutes, drive down and rarely wait more than 10 minutes for my order…plus they bring it right to my car!! Too cool…


  5. I didn’t disappear! I’m just now catching up on reading…

    Uno is lots of fun. Have you ever played Skipbo?? Several years ago my friends and I were on a Skipbo kick and played for hours at a time. It’s lots of fun. You should investigate! 🙂


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