“As Bad As It Gets”

I’d say it was a good weekend, all in all. I spent Saturday with Dr. Twenty Cats, Sunday with the Socialist. But it’s Monday, so I spent quality time with my desk and my paperwork today. Oh well. Only five days till the weekend.

Keeping up with the news has ceased to be a healthy endeavor for me. I’m burnt out on war updates, which I’ve been watching at home on CNN and MSNBC and other cable news stations. I find myself sitting in front of the television telling the reporters what idiots they are. “And how does this soldier’s mother feel, after having seen her son being questioned by Iraqi’s on television? Was she frightened, angry, in tears?” Now there’s a well thought out and deeply penetrating question. “I’m here in Baltimore with a father whose only child was one of the soldiers killed in the helicopter crash earlier.” Yes, very clever Mr. Reporter. You tracked them down and broke in on their grief. Give yourself a medal. “I’m here embedded with the troops on the U.S.S. Constitution.” Embedded? Where the heck did this “embedded” come from anyhow? Embedded with battalions, embedded on ships … embedded in what? Sand? Concrete? Why this need for jargon? Why can’t they just leave out the word “embedded”; the sentences work just as well. “Well Peter, I can’t tell you where we are or what we’re doing for security reasons.” Yeah, we’ve got the idea already. You know something we don’t. Neener, neener, neener. It’s hardly necessary to preface every paragraph with that little tidbit anymore. For Pete’s sake, guys, just stop asking them questions you know they can’t answer. It’s like you’ve got your own little secret society going there, and you have to keep proving it by displaying the secret handshake and decoder ring every few minutes.

Like I said, following the news has ceased to be a healthy endeavor for me.

In my continuing effort to play CD’s in my office, I purchased a set of $10.00 speakers for my Sony Walkman. I have to say, I’m quite pleased with the results. Granted, it isn’t the same fidelity that I get out of my stereo system, but it is certainly adequate for my purposes here at work. I get good volume, and they’re small enough to tuck out of the way next to my computer. Today is the first day I’ve given them a workout, and I just grabbed some CD’s off my shelf while leaving the apartment this morning, without paying particular attention to which CD’s I grabbed. On of the ones I grabbed was Christine Lavin’s “Shining My Flashlight On The Moon”, a CD I haven’t listened to in quite a while. It was a shock to rediscover it … this should be on my top ten of favorite CD’s and instead it’s been sitting abandoned for months. One song I never really noticed before jumped out at me as I renewed my acquaintance with this set of music. I think I’m just going to pretend she wrote it just for me, and pull it out on those days that things start looking bleak to me.

As Bad As It Gets

© 1997 Christine Lavin

This is the darkest hour

of your longest night

you’ve never been this powerless

or prayed this hard for light

wish there was something I could do

to pull you through

but the only who can handle this now

is you

This is as bad as it gets

if you can make it through this

I’m willing to bet

that you will make it through anything

the world will throw your way

this is as low as you’ve ever been

if you can reach deep down

tap the power within

I know that you will find the strength

to make it through this day

This is the coldest night

of your bleakest year

it’s hard to fight

all the forces that have brought you here

between the anger and pain

amid the losses and gains

there’s a space

if you can find it

you will rise again

This is as bad as it gets

if you can make it through this

I’m willing to bet

that you will make it through anything

the world will throw your way

this is as low as you’ll ever be

if you can stop for a minute

and listen to me

I know that you will find the strength

to make it through

this day

Nothing in your life has prepared you

for such a troubled time

but you’re not one to give up or give in

when your life is on the line

This is as bad as it gets

if you can make it through this

I’m willing to bet

that you will make it through anything

the world will throw your way

this is as low as she goes

if you can reach deep down

tap the power that flows within you

I know that you will find the strength

to make it through this day

and then I know

you will be OK

you’ll be alright

don’t give up the fight

you can make it through

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