Weekend in Pictures (*graphics intensive*)
The weekend was amazing! As per usual, the forecasters messed up again, and instead of cool to cold overcast we got warm and sunny. This was fine by me. I could use quite a few more days like this.
One thing I didn’t realize when we moved in here was that the property had been landscaped with cherry trees. The trees came into full bloom this week, and the landscape is amazing.
Here’s another shot from the bedroom. If you look to the bottom, you can just see the corner of our patio deck in the back.
This is the top of the drive leading to our parking area. The trees are so full of blossoms they hardly look real.
The primroses are really starting to put out new growth. It’s a pity the snow hit when it did a few weeks back, since they were absolutely full of blooms and buds when I bought them. Primroses are nothing but survivors, though, and with the light rain this week followed by a sunny weekend they’ve decided to move themselves off the sick-bay list and into physical therapy. Their workout is doing wonders for me as well as them.
And of course, no spring holiday weekend is complete without the traditional washing of the car. The Matrix received its regular dose of loving attention on Saturday, with The Socialist lavishing love and suds upon it in equal measure. He again used his traditional Rube Goldberg hose set-up to deliver water for the vehicular levage.
After affixing hose to shower outlet, run hose strategically through tub to catch drips, and then out tub and through bathroom door.
Then run hose across second floor hallway to stairs, through railing, and down to first floor. At point hose descends to first floor, direct towards front door.
So as to not to release any cats in the process, run hose through mailslot of door.
Hose exits door and is then directed to parking lot. To maximize efficiency, make sure car to be washed is stationed immediately outside doorway.
At this point car may be washed and rinsed. Care, however, must be taken not to crush primroses in garden, for fear of arousing Palimpsest’s ire. For full effect, make sure that a photographer is on hand to chronicle the activity for future generations. Bonus points if a “Wilson” shot is obtained (anyone who never watched “Home Improvement will have no idea what I’m talking about). Extra attention must be paid to the specially ordered wheels, which are an absolute necessity for any well-dressed car.
Finally, no car is complete without a throughly hideous license plate frame. Bonus points are obtained if the first license plate frame is destroyed in a rear-end collision and you actually go out of your way to obtain an identical frame to replace it with.
I guess I should consider myself fortunate. At least he didn’t get one of those stupid naked-girls-with-absurdly-large-boob frames.