Yes, Jami, that’s me.

An updated picture with labels:

Sorry about not having Dumpster Lady pics. I considered taking them, but since I have no way to download pictures from my camera to my terminal, I wouldn’t have been able to post them anyhow. I may well get The Socialist to take one picture for me to be posted later, along with a confession of sorts.

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  1. I jump at every possible chance to spy on my neighbors and make up stories about them. If I had the ability to write so well, I’d write short stories about all my neighbors and compile a book. Maybe I’ll do that anyway. Maybe you should. You write in such a great style.

  2. I must go back and read more of your journal…time has gone by quickly and I have missed your surgery. Honey is great for scars and the skin….pack it on and cover it…sleep with it on if you can. Buy yourself a real ‘aloe’ plant too….slice up…and apply the goo*** the scar will go…it just takes time.

    lol@neighbor….the throwing her husbands things tickles me more too* Let us know what goes next.

    Goes to show you….’somebody’s always watching’ remember that while picking a wedgie in public!


  3. ps…the blue angel shows are great!! First weekend of August they’re in Seattle over Lake Washington. The sound goes through you….It must be intense flying over your house.

  4. With all that activity to watch, I think you need a pair of binoculars. I am wondering if this lady with the bar just became a flybaby? Also, I tried mederma with my daughter’s chicken pox scars. I hope it works better for you.

  5. Well HELLO there stranger *smiles wide* I can’t believe you found me or I found you, whatever. I thought you’d disappeared from the face of DD and now I’m truly shocked to find this diary of yours with 17 comments on the most recent entry (you haven’t lost your touch hehe). And how awesome it is to finally see your picture after all this time :). I’m going to insert a heart here: <3 because I’m so glad to finally have found you again.

    See you around 🙂


  6. You look strangely at home in the cockpit there. Did you have an urge to break anything? (it could be one of your previous incarnations bubbling up there.)

    If it makes you feel any better, I have terrible skin. Especially around my bum. (I have no idea why.)

    Mrs. Stun always buys me a present if I get up before 10 a.m.

  7. I always liked that picture!

    I am not sure what to tell you about CPR cards…I know the one I must renew each year is for healthcare providers and is more in depth than others. In Oregon, you pay for the class (around $20). I know there are two different organizations who put out cards, The American Heart Association and The American Red Cross (I think).

    Things might be different out your way.

  8. I know you started back to work last Monday, and I am sure you are very tired, and all… But where the heck are you? Did the Dumpster Lady get you for taking pictures, or what?

    Miss you,


  9. Have you ever seen the Microsoft paper clip guy that helps you? The &quot;assistant?&quot; Well, I find him irritating, so I changed him to the cat, and he’s much more delightful.

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