Forgot something.

I meant to work this into today’s entry somehow. I ran across a marvelous quotation this morning.

A Truth that’s told with bad intent

Beats all the Lies you can invent.

-William Blake

I just wanted to note it so I’d remember.

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  1. Yea, I hear you on the extra cat loving. I feel guilty complaining about them in yesterday’s entry. It’s a shame about Shaka.

    Ah, a little "revenge" is good regarding the 3" drop. All from 1/8th inch of rain? Good grief.

    Your excursion sounds nice, even better when someelse is driving. I have to admit, I’m abit nervous about driving on my trip next month.

  2. Oh, good grief! Did they put those pavers on marshmallow? Such a small area, and with foot traffic only – they must have made no attempt to prepare the area properly.

    Yes, don’t waste a precious moment with those kitties. And get The Socialist to help prepare the place for his friend 🙂

  3. Good quote. I like that. Your ex garden reminds me of my parents’ sidewalk. They had newly paved it about seven or eight years ago because it was cracked and old. It looked great. That winter we had a strong rain, and then it all froze. The sidewalk buckled into horrible shapes and cracked worse than it had before. They were less than pleased…

  4. Yeah, I let the flies out for biology class. We are doing fruit fly experiments, and we need fresh, virgin fruit flies or the experiment will be off. Fruit flies become sexually active 6-8 hours after hatching, so we can’t use them if they have already mated, because they retain the sperm cells and those can show up in later matings.

    We have 4 people in our ‘teams’. I, the 8:00am, let them all out because they’ve been in the tube for about 11-12 hours. The 12:30 person goes in and counts the newly hatched flies and sorts them into a male or female tube, depending on sex. The 4:00 person is supposed to do the same, and then the 8:00pm person is supposed to do the same. Then I get up in the morning and let them all out, and we start over.

    I bet you understand more now, but if I bet I had just said ‘fruit fly experiment’ I wouldn’t had to have explained anything. lol

  5. I HATE unexpected company like that.

    I would have had to say….

    "I am sorry, but I am not up to having unexpected company. We will HAVE to make it another time."

    That is plain and simple.

    They should get the idea.


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