O-verpriced Tannenbaum

I want a Christmas tree. I suspect I want one extra badly because it turns out I honestly shouldn’t get it. I can’t afford it. I’ve seen several fake trees I like, and most are triple digits. I thought maybe I could budget $40 for a nice, smallish tree. Forty bucks won’t even buy me the tin star to put on top. Well, I’ve still got my little fiber optic tree, purchased in more solvent times. That will suit me fine.

I had to work Saturday, but we have Monday off for first day of buck season. I suppose I should feel guilty, having a holiday while thousands of Bambi’s decendents take their first step towards venison burgers. But I don’t. Call me callous, but I like venison. I doubt I’d ever take up hunting. I’d be too afraid of making a bad shot. I will accept any venison steaks anyone has in surplus though.

So last night started my weekend. I drove home in the midst of a gusty wind storm. The winds were so bad that a construction sign along the highway in front of my house blew into the street just ahead of the car before me. They made a nice job of avoiding it; had that been me I’d probably be crying into this journal now about the hundreds of dollars of damage the sign would have inflicted on my car. I had plenty of time to stop though, while the car in front of me made a very slick maneuver that took it off the road, halfway up a small embankment by the roadside, and then around and down back to the road surface. An SUV probably would have tipped on its side if it had tried that stunt, but the little Mercedes that accomplished this trick just kept on going without missing a beat.

More to say, but it’ll keep. I need to rest up for my big day off tomorrow.

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  1. I’m debating on a tree too… The smart girl in me should string some ornaments on pine garland, twine some lights and hang it around a couple of doorways and be done with it. Quick, easy, CHEAP!!!


  2. We got our tree today and I couldn’t believe how expensive they are now. Boy do I miss the good old, $10 cut it down yourself tree’s! If I thought I could, I would talk my family into an artificial tree. There is no way they would go for it though. Oh well, the kids are only young for a while!


  3. Cut down trees are not common at all here.

    I think some people have them, but I have never seen one.

    Everyone seems to have "pretend" trees , that do the job.

    Rest well.


  4. Hi,

    Just wanted to stop in and say thank you for thinking of me over the holiday weekend, that was very kind of you and much appreciated.

    I am not sure about a Christmas tree this year, myself. This would be the first year I could have a real one as our Golden, who passed away in August, was allergic. I seriously hate my fake tree. It has to be the ugliest thing ever produced. Maybe I will skip the tree altogether this year. We shall see.



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