Now for today’s real entry….

It’s been a horrid day at work so far. Between the State and the Fed vets both putting in appearances today, and wanting more samples than any single animal is able to provide (exactly how many kidneys do they think an animal has, anyhow?), I’ve been getting persistent nosebleeds off and on. I’m sure it’s just the dry weather, combined with the blood thinner I have to be on, but it’s damned annoying, especially when someone else tells you “Do you realize your nose is bleeding?” when you yourself have no idea there’s precious bodily fluid being lost from your nostril.

The Prof and I went to the YMCA last night and signed up for a year’s tour of duty. I found out that my company offers a company sponsorship, which saved me $111 off the annual rate! I was surprised, since my company offers a corporate gym (which I refuse to go to because it’s basically a bunch of jocks who sit around posturing at each other). I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

I’m starting off easy. Stretching exercises. Half hour treadmill, with the first six minutes being slow warm-up. More stretching, then four or five different machines designed to improve leg strenght, with special concentration on the right quads (trying to build up compensation for the missing hunk of muscle in my right leg). Then fifteen minutes on the bike, including five minutes of cool down at the end.

I’ll build up the bike time, and start on the arms after I get a little more used to the leg equipment. There’s too much that’s too new to me to assimilate all at once.

The Professor and I hope to go to see the original “Time Machine” tomorrow. It’s showing at a local theater that specializes in “art” films and oldies but goodies. I’m looking forward to the new “Time Machine” that is due to be released soon, and this should be a great refresher for it!

Also slated this weekend: haircut (badly needed), furniture shopping, refill prescriptions, finish catching bill payments up, start organizing 2001 stuff for tax time, starighten up last of stuff that hasn’t been put away from vacation. My, but I’m getting old and boring.

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