Bingle Jells

Got a hit on my site meter from Lucasfilms last night, about 11:00 my time. I was able to confirm using the IP#, but the referring source and pages viewed were blocked. I’ll admit to wondering why somebody working at a prestigious outfit like that would still be using Netscape instead of the superior Internet Explorer, but I’m never going to fault anyone who wants to thumb their nose at Bill Gates. I’m dying to know what sort of obscure web search they were performing that landed them on my doorstep, but I suspect they didn’t linger long.

Christmas Eve day promises to be a day like any other. We’re slated to work a full day, and though most of my compatriots in my department plan to leave by 3:00 (some have already left), that won’t be an option for me. It’s not a problem though – I have no plans for tonight, and so there is no pressing need to be anywhere.

I want to rent a DVD or two tonight on my way home. I’ve yet to see “Finding Nemo”, and there’s a few other movies I want to see that I’d never convince The Socialist to watch with me. Tonight is mine (said in a greedy tone of voice). I’m told that a supermarket on my way home has pasteurized egg nog (I can’t have regular egg nog because of the raw eggs in it). I’ll pick that up, get the DVD’s, order a pizza to be delivered (a totally decadent luxury), and spend the night watching DVD’s, wrapping the few presents I’m giving, and spending quality time with the cats.

I’m feeling better after my bout with whatever it is I caught. My Big City Hospital doctor diagnosed “flu” over the phone, but I begin to seriously doubt that’s what I had. It was easily the worst cold I’ve ever had, but I don’t think I was sick enough for the flu. It’s a relief to finally have caught a real illness. I’ve spent inordinate time worrying about being immunosuppressed, half convinced that I wasn’t going to be able to recover from a pimple or a paper cut. I’ve got the reassurance now that my body still knows how to throw off germs and viruses, even if it hasn’t figured out there’s a foreign invader in the form of a liver hanging about. I guess these transplant docs know what they’re doing.

Over this past week, two people I knew from online who were waiting for transplants, and one person who had recently gotten their transplant have died. It’s sobering, and the inevitable, unanswerable question of “why them and not me?” raises its ugly head. I know that the only answer is “because”. It doesn’t matter why some and not others. What matters is that I have to make the most of this chance, both for me and for the ones who didn’t get the chance, both the donors and those who waited in vain.

There is an opening for transplant coordinator in my area. They want a doctor, nurse, a nurse practitioner or someone else with medical experience. I’m going to see if they’ll consider a veterinarian. I’ll be spending at least part of this holiday updating my resume and sending it out to them.

Don’t know if I’ll get the chance to update tonight or tomorrow. If not, then Merry Christmas to my visitors here at DD. And, if you get online when you arrive in California, my thoughts are with you, Mr. Socialist.

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  1. Merry Christmas Eve, dear Sal!

    I haven’t seen Finding Nemo either. It is supposed to be quite good.

    I’m especially happy to read that you are feeling better and your immune system still has some fight (but not too much for your liver). Your are right though, it is no use wondering why or why not you. Who knows? I think luck has a lot to do with it.

    Enjoy your ME TIME.

  2. Nemo eh?

    I cant really see it challenging you, but accept it is a kids film, and "cute" and you get to see some of our beautiful Great Barrier Fish very differently than if you went for a snorkel with them, in full animation!! LOL

    Wishing you a wonderful Christmas Sal!


  3. And I just got the news that the office is closed Friday except for Me?!? (Boss #1 is still trying to work it out for me…we shall see what happens)

    I think that sounds like the perfect job for you! Good Luck


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