
It’s half-heartedly snowing outside again. The sky is silver, the air is so cold it cuts at the back of your nose like a knife, and the lighting is too bright for a day with no sun. The snow isn’t coming down in proper flakes, but instead in little shards and slivers, like tiny little daggers.

I’ve been watching my Bookcrossing account, waiting for someone to report that they’d found on of the books I released, but no one has registered a find yet. I know that some of my books have been found, so I can only assume that the people who found them don’t have computers, didn’t read the bookplates in the front properly, or just don’t give a fig. It’s disappointing, but I’ll press on. I’ve released seven books so far, and have potentially dozens more to release in the future. I’ll start getting some responses eventually.

Still no news at work about the upcoming changes they’ve been hinting about. Waiting to go home, waiting to hear the fate of my books, waiting to see what’s going on with my job. No wonder I feel at loose ends. My life is “on hold” on too many fronts.

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  1. It’s hearing about snow days that makes me wish I wasn’t in the south.

    Strange they gave you a used phone with people’s #s in it! Good thing you’re not some psycho who decided to start making prank calls to them all!

  2. Lucky you. You must be going to get the ice storm that passed through here last night. When I left for the grocery store today, I found my little 2 seater pontiac almost completely covered by a drift of snow and encased in ice. I hope it thaws out by Spring (if not, I could always borrow your lethal hair dryer and try to free it). Thank goodness the mini van was not thus bound or I would be out of bread, milk and bananas. A bad thing that would be…..

  3. no more dancing for me! but i hear that frozen rain will be hitting my area tuesday afternoon followed by more snow on wednesday…

    😉 i can’t help but smile.

    get home safely, okay?!

  4. I can’t reproduce what Kelly does to my hair either. I don’t know if I want to figure it out.

    I hate having a bunch of product in my hair. Even if I could figure it out, it would all be ruined with my fire helmet (believe you wear one too), or the rain. It’s a lose/lose situation.

    I am surprised the phone numbers weren’t cleared either. I hope that was an oversite.

    Stay warm! Keep that snow stuff over there!

  5. S released one of my bookcrossing books at his office–where there are at least two other bookcrossers. It’s been picked up–no note. :/ I’m planning at least one more release today. I’ve got a 50% response rate, which my informal survey shows me is above average. I don’t expect that luck to continue.

    Good call on the e-bay business. I look forward to hearing if he retaliated. 😛

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