An Indelicate Rant

OK, my area of the building is male dominated. There are two of us double-X genotype types over here. The Mouth and me. So if there’s a problem in the lady’s room, and I didn’t do it, the cast of culprits is pretty narrow.

You have to understand that I use the term “Lady’s Room” in sort of a wishful thinking kind of way. A real lady probably wouldn’t be caught dead in there. It has the feel of a utility closet retrofitted as a bathroom. It’s high and narrow with a concrete floor that has a drain dead center of the room. The room is scant wider than the door that admits you, though it is deep enough that there’s plenty of legroom. It’s shabby but clean. I’m sure Martha Stewart could think of something to brighten it up and make it look a bit more feminine. As it is now, only us under-class Eliza Doolittles go in there to doo a little.

There’s been an ongoing problem I’ve been running into in this particular bathroom since I returned to work last September. Someone has been failing to fully flush. And that someone is not me. By process of elimination (pardon the pun)….

I can’t even leave an anonymous note, seeing as how I’m the only other person in there. But believe me, it’s pretty disgusting. Definitely more than I needed to know is contained in that bowl.

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  1. Grace, New computer =)

    Can hardly wait to see your patio.

    BTW, the bearded dragon that lives in the backyard garden came through okay this year.

    The kids and I found him sunning himself atop our brick wall.

  2. My favorite email program for many years was Eudora. I loved it. But when we formatted my hard drive and put on a new OS it was just simpler to go with Outlook.

    Anyway, I think you can get a no frills Eudora for free on the internet.

  3. That bathroom sounds pretty nasty. Reminds me a little of ours in our apartment. There is a huge ugly drain directly in the middle, and the floor is seafoam-green lineoleum stained blood red from whoever owned the place before us. A friend recently came over and asked if we used our bathroom to slaughter cows!

  4. Ok, try this. Tell your nasty co-worker that there appears to be something slightly amiss with the flushing mechanism in the ladies room and that it would be a good idea to stand there and make sure everything goes down. That way, you aren’t accusing her of anything but you are subtly letting her know that when she is done, the bowl had better be empty.

  5. Catching up with you…

    Re the bathroom, I like Allimom’s suggestion.

    I deal with that kind of sh*t with the fire department and the guys. There is only one bathroom. Last year I told them I would not be cleaning the bathroom anymore. We are supposed to take turns. When my turns comes, I refuse. It’s not my mess and I’m not their mom. Someone up there leaves a bad splatter job that is digusting.

  6. Ahhh, a new computer….woo hoo!! If you decide to go with outlook or outlook express you can definately save your old emails. It’s a pain to find the place it stores them…but it can be done. Let me know when you get to that point and I’ll retrace my steps to figure out how I did it.

    And.. I vote for a new computer that has one of those multiple card readers in it…then you no longer need to deal with finicky camera software!!!

    Good luck


  7. Re: Rant: Eeeew.

    Re: LazyBoy Dressage, it’s definitely hard, but gives such complete satisfaction when you get it right…Transcendant is the closest I can come to describing the feeling

  8. You could probably send emails to an internet based mailbox if you really wanted to retrieve them later.

    That’s a lot easier than trying to explain finding .pst files on your old computer and copying them to a new one. However, if you do a search for hidden files with the .pst extension, you may then know where your mail is located. What to do with them then is the trick. The Professor may know or be able to find out.

  9. ewwwww, gross out!!

    Only suggestion is, hop in the car and drive to Big M’s. At least their loo’s are clean.

    Hahaha..falling up the stairs. Guess what? Yep… guess who else is a little sore and bruised for doing the exact same thing. However, at least you can kick the laundry basket, I had 2 little eyes looking at me wondering why I just about squished them dead!! LOL <<(00)>> purrrr.

  10. I loved my Earthlink e-mail when I had it only it went away when I stopped paying and now I’m sticking to the freebies. I keep telling myself I don’t really need to keep e-mail from six years ago.

    I too am with Monstergue. It sure as hell beats a little note on each stall which was the standard at my last place of employment.

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