What it’s not.

The Mystery Plant is definitely not datura, day lilies nor salvia. It doesn’t have tubers like dahlias do, and having handled the plant I can personally attest to the fact that it is definitely not nettles! Bell flowers (at least the ones I’m familiar with) are far more delicate than these things.

The buds on the tip of the largest plant are getting huge, and I’m half -convinced they will open in the next couple of days. There’s still no discernible color in the buds though, so the flowers will either be white or a very pale pastel. I’ve a nasty feeling that even after these suckers bloom I’m going to be clueless as to what they are.

After a few days absence, I again spotted Graylag with her mate, goslings, and a third goose that is helping take over babysitting duties. There are five goslings altogether, one a head larger than the rest. The troup of them seem to be hanging around a water retention pool in front of a little no-name office building on the edge of an industrial park that sits between a community park and the historical site that I think Graylag originated from. It’s an interesting choice of location, and not one that I’d necessarily want to bring up goslings in, but they seem to know what they’re doing. Perhaps the proximity to the office building scares off potential predators. All five chicks are growing gangbusters, and it’s hard to argue with success.

The Socialist and I finished off the final episode of Babylon 5 fifth season last night. I have to admit that I’m a little disappointed in the final two episodes, though perhaps the resolution (or lack thereof) will sit better with me over time. There is talk on the web that JMS has plans to do another Babylon5 project (series? movie?). I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it’s true, and that it will answer some of the questions I’ve been left dangling with.

I received an invitation in the mail the end of last week to an orientation for prospective volunteers for the Philadelphia organ donation awareness organization. I RSVP’d yesterday. The orientation is being held on May 22nd, which is only days before the first anniversary of my transplant. It seems as appropriate a way to celebrate as any.

I’ve hidden the key to the thermostat from The Mouth. Someone reset the thermostat (which resides in my office) to 65 degrees. The Mouth has a reputation for resetting thermostats in the main building to Mr. Freeze-friendly conditions, so I’ve assumed that of my two possible suspects (The Minion being the other), she’s highest on my list of probable culprits.

Now I’ll grant that we’re in the midst of a warm spell (it hit 91 degrees outside my office door yesterday). But walking into a 65-degree office this morning, with the air conditioner still going full blast is a tad over-reactive, I’d say. I reset the thermostat to 75 (a fair compromise, don’t you agree?) and then tucked the key inside a piggy bank that I have displayed in my office. Previously I’ve hidden the key in a coffee mug and under Mr. Potato Head’s toupee, but she knows about these hiding places now. With luck, this will slow her down a bit before she figures out a way to reset the offices to arctic conditions again.

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  1. I spent all last summer doing the freeze and thaw maneuver at the place I worked. The worst day I spent was one when I accidently left my sweater at home. It still gives me the chills to think about it!

    I would go on my 15 minute break out into the 105 degree heat and walk around the building every afternoon in sheer self preservation….

    You have my sympathies!

  2. I’m not worried about the American Hybrids. I won’t be in a position to buy something like that for 3 or 4 years anyway. I just wish with the gas prices the way they are today that I had one NOW!!!!

    Enjoy your Prius. People like me are jealous of you right about now!


  3. We have above our department what we commonly refer to as the pneumonia hole. It can be roasting in the building and so people will continue to crank the air conditioner. It just gets colder and colder in our dept. Come winter the air conditioning still makes its way to our area even though the heat is cranked. So we all end up running little heaters at our desks in turn shorting out the building. LOL There is no winning…I’m starting to think they do it to keep us alert and frozen in place at our desks!

    Have a great day!


  4. Thanks for the comment!

    I hate temperature wars. It would be cold in the bathroom at the dorm (which, the shower room was adjoined to without a door seperating them), mid winter, and people would open the windows! ACK.

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