The Slippery Slope

It has been a trying day in the office. I swear that both The Mouth and Minion are on time-release formulas. Just when their effects begin to wear off they suddenly release a whole new dose of themselves. For anyone who thinks badly of me, this entry should pretty much ice their cake for them.

The Mouth in particular has outdone herself this time. She’s lonely, and I do feel sorry for her sometimes, although she creates her own loneliness by making it hard for people to have normal conversation with her. She has poor social skills, and will often simply step into other people’s conversations and just start talking (not necessarily keeping to the topic being discussed). She has a nervous laugh that frequently punctuates her discourse, as though she’s afraid people may not agree with her and wants to provide herself with the excuse that she’s only joking if common sentiment doesn’t swing her way. I feel sorry for her but just being around her makes me nervous and then agitated as she dominates the conversation without allowing anyone else to speak their turn.

Now, I work for what is for the most part a very conservative company. People have Bush bumper stickers and American flag decals on their cars. Religious pamphlets sit on a table by the main employee entrance. We have a prayer room set up every Wednesday for people to go and meditate in during lunch hour. Folk around here are nice, but I try to watch what I say (that one day at lunch when I made the crack about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse appearing in our parking lot was a major exception). The Mouth, being nice conservative church-going lass seemed to fit in quite nicely to this mold, and while the quantity of her speechifying was unpopular, the content had never been taken amiss. Granted, all she talks about is her work and her dog, but that’s just boring, not controversial.

It appears that last night she decided to branch out in her chosen topics of conversation, and we who know about it are waiting to see what happens because of it. There is one technician in our department that works second shift. The Mouth frequently stays after first shift ends, hanging around the office talking. I think she does it because she’s lonely and doesn’t want to go home yet. Apparently it was just the technician and The Mouth left last night when the Mouth decided to open up a bit about her life before she came to our company. From what I understand leather, dog collars, nose piercings and a whip figured heavily in her discourse. The tech, as prim and proper a girl as you’d ever hope to meet, was offended and mortified by this information being volunteered by The Mouth, which puts The Mouth at odds with our sexual harassment policy (a policy which every person in management, included her, had to go to orientation meetings about just two months ago).

At lunch the Big Boss told me he had to speak to the Mouth. I could honestly say I hadn’t seen her all day (she’s running tests elsewhere in the building and probably won’t emerge from the bowels of the plant until I’m getting ready to leave). It is unlike the Big Boss to say he wants to talk to someone without giving at least a hint of what the topic of discussion will be, so we suspect he knows.

Now frankly, I don’t care one whit how The Mouth spent or spends her free time from work. But on the job a certain … shall we say “decorum”? … is required. I’ll admit that I’m just as annoyed at the busy bodies who have been cracking jokes and making some unnecessary innuendoes regarding The Mouth’s off-duty activities. I suspect I’ll end up hashing that out with at least a couple of them at a later date, if it doesn’t cool off soon. But I mostly have to wonder what in the world The Mouth thought she was doing last night when she started detailing her hobby to someone in the office that she barely knew.

On a not-unrelated topic, The Minion is going into the cooking business, and has been pouring over related catalogues at his desk on break. Late this morning he announced, in that tone of voice, that he’d just seen a picture of a groom and groom cake topper. I quipped that he might as well get used to it, because that was going to become more and more commonplace. Which puts me into a similar position with The Mouth: I need to learn to keep my mouth shut.

The ensuing morality discussion wrapped around The Minion’s philosophy of “The Slippery Slope.” Apparently, if we allow gay marriage, then polygamy is next, and the next thing you know it’ll be legal for old men to marry thirteen-year-old girls. This whole gay marriage thing is just the foot in the door for the inevitable moral decline of America.

I’ve already spent way too much time detailing The Mouth’s dilemma, so I won’t detail my too-long debate with The Minion. Suffice to say that neither of us convinced the other of anything. Admittedly biased key-points were as follows:

-He brought up the tired old bit about the intent of the founding fathers, so I countered with the Constitution’s separation of church and state. His reply was that the founding fathers were Christians and that they never intended morality to be separated from the state.

-I then less-than-cleverly pointed out that morality could not be legislated. His counter was that standards were sliding, and the law had to set standards before they went any lower. I said that the law already sets minimum standards. I told him that so long as we were a nation that was proud of its compassion and tolerance for different ideas and beliefs, then we couldn’t stop dictating standards because they ran counter to someone’s religion.

-I tried to convey that everyone has their own standards, but so long as certain principals of law applied, such as nobody being hurt and no one’s freedom being abrogated, then people should be left to find their own way. I pointed out that the law could never be drafted to suit each and every person’s standards, so it had to be written to allow everyone to follow their own standards as best they could. He protested that his rights were being trampled on because this went against his gold standard, The Bible. At that point I’d had enough and told him that if that was the way he interpreted the Bible, then he’d better get used to it.

I do not believe I am cut out for religious debate.

S Spiritual
A Ambivalent
L Legendary
A Altruistic
M Modern
A Appreciative
N Nutty
D Desperate
E Energetic
R Relaxing

Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator

Do I get to pick and choose the stuff I think really applies?

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  1. One thing’s for sure: you ARE legendary.

    In the last (and my first ever) Parliament election, gay marriage and especially lesbian couples having kids through artificial insemination (they don’t even talk about gay men when it comes to that – heavens no!) were a big topic of discussion. I’m of course very interested in having children in the future (not that I’m going to ask anybody’s permission) so I watched several conversations on the topic on tv. I’ll never forget one of them where a conservative party’s representator suddenly lost it and said that it (lesbian couples being allowed to get artificially inseminated) just can’t be legislated because that’d send out the message that men are just sperm machines and soon they’ll be saying they don’t need men at all.

    So hmm, he basically said all women will just ditch their husbands and find themselves a woman just because it’s allowed for same-sex (oh, sorry, I mean lesbian couples, I forgot for a second that gay men can’t be great fathers *sarcasm*) couples to have babies? If all men were like the politician in question (I actually don’t even know his name, I don’t think I’ll be needing it), I’m sure that’d be true.

    And I’m so sick of the argument "children need male/female rolemodels or mother/father figures in their life"! Parents are the #1 adults in the kid’s life, but not the ONLY adults.

    And I just wanted to say: Poor Mouth! The whole situation of her going on about her little hobby sounded like a sitcom scene!

  2. I have said this before.

    When any person of any ideology starts to believe that they can force people in any way (and legislation is only one of those ways) to be "good" according to their own particular dogma,

    then they all begin to sound very much the same.

    These people are ideological fascists, and this includes the al-Qaeda.

    Problem is, they ALL believe they have the ONLY right ideology.

    Ironic, ain’t it?

    _|m/ ADM

  3. I know a "Mouth." I’ve heard you reference her before, but this time I recognized her. Man I feel soooo sorry for you. I can’t imagine working with one.


  4. Why would ANYONE open up with that type of information to someone they don’t know well?

    I’ve had debates similar to the one you had with the Minion. The boss of my best friend (Franisbueno) accused me of not being Christain when I came into her work center to invite her to come over to my house to drink beer and bake cookies. He commented that he thought I was a Christain, but I must not be if I sinned like that; I innocently informed that I was unaware that it was a sin to bake cookies. The debate that spun out of that comment cleared the work center of everyone as I calmly countered his accusations, all the while watching a vein in his left temple get more and more pronounced.

    Ah, those were good times!


  5. I’ve found that you can say the damndest things to some people and they don’t blink, but others are so fragile you can’t even say damndest. The trick at work is to err on the side of caution, especially in this sue happy climate we live in. That’s the real impetus behind sexual harassment training, the lawsuits.

  6. Somehow, my image of the "Mouth" was way off.

    I sort of figured a mousey type person, not leather, piercing, collars and whips !! Sheshhh.

    We are having the gay marriage debate here too in aus. Seems like those outspoken in the USA, have the same manuscript to our outspoken ones here.

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