Cats and Fiction

I took the pictures from yesterday’s entry and emailed them to several key people in my company. For a brief time this morning I even though I had a home for Dekyi. The Big Boss (who has two cats already) saw the shots and expressed some interest. Within the hour he got back in touch to tell me he couldn’t take her after all though. (Note to self: Find out marital status of prospective owner before going into hard-sell mode.) This morning’s call to the veterinarian revealed that Dek is still doing very well. We’re in the prime time for any effects of the rate poisoning to show. Since she’s not showing any ill effects at all, it either means that she didn’t eat enough of the poison to hurt her, or that we treated her in good time. Either way, I’m no longer concerned about that danger to her health.

I have several people who have indicated interest in possibly taking her, but nobody has used a firm, committed tone of voice when discussing it yet, so I’m considering her still up for grabs. If I’m unlucky in my search, she’ll be going to the no-kill shelter I’ve started helping with. It’s kitten season, and the shelter already has a dozen or so kittens that need good homes. I hate to add her to the mix when she’s such a little stand out, but I hold out hope that it won’t be necessary.

The Socialist presented me with my birthday gifts over the weekend: CD’s by Lucy Kaplanski and Richard Shindell. I had intended to bring them to work with me today, but was in such a rush this morning I forgot. Ah well, there’s always tonight. I can use them as background music while I complete my homework assignment for the novel class.

This second part is relatively easy, in that it can be slapped together with relatively little forethought. It will be difficult to do if I actually decide to put real work into it. We have to complete three “Idea Summary” sheets with the following information:

Working Title
Mainstream or Category? If Category, list category.
List three Main Characters’ (protagonist, antagonist, major supporting character) names, primary goals, and most notable personality traits.
Main complication of story
Primary obstacles preventing main character from achieving goal
And … this one’s a doozy … summarize story idea (We’ve been provided an 81/2 by eleven sheet to do this, and allowing for the entire blank back of the sheet I have about 1.2 pages to do the summary on)

See what I mean? The assignment will be as hard as I make it. I have been playing with two story lines in my head for years, and will probably give them both full write-ups. I suspect I’m just going to blow through the third one though, so I can say I did it. Who knows, though? Inspiration might strike me, and I might end up with an idea for the last summary that beats out my other two. Anything’s possible. But I’m not holding my breath.

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  1. I just read your writing selection from the 12th and in my opinion it is a very good parable. Hope to see more of your writing here. Hope you find a good home for Dekyi, would love to have her myself but my two little ones would not like a new younger sister.

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