Omphaloskepsis: The fourth anniversary

Actually, it won’t be four years until Thursday. I’m not updating with any particular frequency these days though, so I thought I’d make mention of it now, when the mood stuck me and I had some free time.

It’s only been four years, but I am not who I was. I started this diary because it seemed I should do something to mark the transition from being married to being single. That transition period has long since ended. I’ve well into whatever this next phase of life is. To be honest, though, this next phase seems to be some sort of long segueue. That old chestnut about life being all about the trip, and not about the destination? Well, that’s me at the moment. I’m in the midst of going yesterday to tomorrow. I’m currently working without a map or compass though.

I’m glad I’ve continued to write. I’d never have the chronicle of my illness fron diagnosis to post-transplant recovery if I hadn’t. But I’m not sure where I go from here. Writing about my daily life no longer holds much interest for me. I still have things to say, but more and more they are observations about the world around me, rather than about myself. As I said, I’m not who I was.

Some personal notes:

– I leave in two weeks for a week in Holland. I’m meeting a friend for the first time there. He’ll be putting us up, and I’m at a loss for ideas of an appropriate gift to bring him from the States. I’d like it to be something he doesn’t have access to easily in Holland, but I don’t know his tastes nor the availability of things there, so I’ve been waiting for inspiration to strike. Inspiration, it would appear, has misunderstood what I meant by striking, though, and has instead gone on strike.

– I’ve decided to take a knitting class. It’s nothing special, just a rank amateur level class for people who aren’t entirely sure which end of the needle goes where. I don’t even know exactly why I felt it was important that I add knitting to my list of accomplishments.

– Cattitude and Clueless Wonder have both been under the weather recently. Whatever the GI bug they caught is, The Little Grey Shit was apparently immune. Cattitude bounced back in a few days, but Clueless is still eating poorly after two weeks. I have to stand watch over CW when he eats now, making sure the other two feline idiots don’t poach from his bowl while he toys with eating. He continues to regard food out of my hand as higher premium stuff than food in the bowl, and I’ve been able to con him into completing a few meals by feeding them to him a kibble at a time.

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  1. Hmmmm. Virginia Ham?

    Hot Salsa?

    Wisconsin Cheese?

    New Orleans Pralines?

    Dried Cranberries?


    Lemonheads? ………..

    ummmmm……. Spam? 🙂

    Good luck with finding something. That IS a tough one if you don’t know what the person likes …. let us know what you decided on.

  2. Knitting! Just about the most fun a neutered cat can have! All that lovely wool to tangle, shred, or (if you have Siamese/Burmese genes) eat.

    Actually knitting’s a very pleasant activity, especially in winter. I’m quite a good knitter, up to and including Aran/cable/whatever. I don’t do Fair Isle, though. My mother was a great knitter, and it has sentimental attachments for me. I’m also fascinated by how simple, portable and ancient a craft it is. How long ago did someone take a couple of bones and some yarn and think "Hmm…"?

  3. Knitting! Just about the most fun a neutered cat can have! All that lovely wool to tangle, shred, or (if you have Siamese/Burmese genes) eat.

    Actually knitting’s a very pleasant activity, especially in winter. I’m quite a good knitter, up to and including Aran/cable/whatever. I don’t do Fair Isle, though. My mother was a great knitter, and it has sentimental attachments for me. I’m also fascinated by how simple, portable and ancient a craft it is. How long ago did someone take a couple of bones and some yarn and think "Hmm…"?

  4. Sounds like you and I are in the same boat with updating. I often have good intentions to record something that seems worthwhile but just can’t quite get around to it. When I do the mood has passed.

    Holland, eh? That sounds wonderful. Can’t help you on ideas, I’m still stuck on Mother’s Day for my mom.

    Sorry to hear two of the kitties are sick…doesn’t surprise me that TGS isn’t. LOL. I miss Jinco. We have been toying with the idea of getting a kitten, but my heart isn’t into it yet and I don’t know if it ever will. For some reason that particular cat was too special. (And then there is the fact that if I wait long enough someone will surely dump another cat here.)

  5. hmmmm, a nice gift one couldn’t find in holland. do you guys have a particular food that travels well? any kind of craft or art work? music? i don’t know what a dutch person might find of interest here.

  6. well, what do they have in holland…..tulip bulbs, blue and white china, stroop waffles, fine chocolates, amazing pastries…….off the top of my head, there isn’t much of a southwestern or mexican presence there. some kind of mexican craft….. back to the drawing board.

  7. Congratulations on the begining of your fourth year! I look forward to the tales of you travels with great anticipation.

    As for the gift, I don’t know what the budget is, but I’d take him something distinctly Pennsylvanian. Perhaps an Amish quilt, or wood worked item?



  8. LOL….I thought calichef said to take him a Amish girl. I had to read it twice to see "quilt" 🙂

    We are in the same place with writing.

    Like you, I have a detailed record of my life since 14, and for that I am grateful for, as you must be with your own journey.Now, its almost all private or friends only, but hey.. my life is boring!!

    Holland… you lucky thing !! Does that take long from the USA? I want to come too !

  9. *~Salamander~*

    Have fun in Holland and I hope you have a lot of fun and that everything goes well. You’ll have to get some pics and post them so we can see what Holland looks like.

    Sorry that your cats are sick. At least Little Grey Shit avoided getting sick and that Cattitude is okay, but hopefully Clueless Wonder will start feeling better soon.

    Knitting is cool, I actually crotchet. Good luck with that, its actually very interesting and you can make a lot of interesting things.

    I think a good 98% of everyone is happy that they have continued to write here if they have been writing here for a number of years. Thats really good though, I know I am happy I have continued to write here.

    Anyway hope all is well!


  10. Holland. It should be interesting to read about what you visited there. If it were me, the first thing I’d be heading for would be the Corrie Ten Boom museum in Haarlem. Bon Voyage!

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