Spoiler Free Zone

I couldn’t help myself. I finished the book this afternoon after some marathon reading sessions. I just knew that if I waited until the week to finish that the inevitable spoilers would make their way through the security perimeters I’d set up. I now know who survives, who dies, who’s good, who’s bad, who’s heroic, and if anybody gets to live happily ever after.

Intersting. I went back to proof read. (In spite of what you’ve seen me post, I actually do try to proof-read; I’m just incapable of proofing my own work; I always see what I expect to see, and not what is actually on the page.) Instead of “live happily ever after” I typed “liver happily ever after”. I’m sure Freud would have something to say about that.

Anyhow, now I just need to stuff a cork in my mouth until other people I know are done.

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  1. lololololololololololololololol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i, personally, have read none of the books and have only seen the movies. the boy, however, started reading as soon as it arrived yesterday around noon and finished at 3:68am this morning. good to hear from you, old friend! i’ve got some catching up to do.

  2. Hub Man is reading the last pages right now.

    I am only up to chapter 10.

    We have gone to radio and tv silence also because I don’t wanna hear anything either!

    Thanks for the no spoilers title!


  3. I just finished reading it tonight, and MrPloppy is just about to start – it’s been so frustrating not being able to tell him anything about it!

    ^ ^




  4. Thanks for all your wonderful, insightful comments the other day. I’m still not getting notifications, but I happened to notice one of those comments the day you left it, and then I checked for others.

    Hope all is well in Salamanderland!

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