On feeding Trolls

Right you are, WA. To be honest, I didn’t recognize the comment as a troll’s till you put me onto it. I just thought it was some stupid kid who was used to soaking off of Mom and Dad and didn’t have a clue as to the realities of adult life and the honor in self-support.

I knew so many girls, even at college level, who supposed an M.R.S. meant a free ticket for life. I was a middle-class scholarship kid commuting to a upper-class college, and many of the girls there honestly thought they should be paid for sex with dinners out, gifts, or jewelry. The comment could have come straight out of one of their mouths. They never saw the parallel between that and a certain other profession.

Trolls are good. They know how to push buttons. I shall be more watchful in the future.

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  1. Suh-wheat jeebus in a hot pink dress! The job, the lawyer and a suicidal cat. Oh how I hate those times in life when everything goes south at once. Things just have to start looking better soon.

  2. I’m confused. Reading back I’m gathering that the Prof is your love interest, like a LONG time love interest aka partner aka as good as a husband minus the papers. Why do you split costs. Why do you have to pay him back for things, aren’t you in this together?

    If things are like that I’m hoping you’re not giving him any benefits. 😉

  3. Why doesn’t it surprise me that your company would have tried to cheat you on your severance, given everything else dodgy they seem to do? Sounds like the lawyer was worth the fees.

    It sounds like you’ve had enough bad stuff for one year (or one lifetime!) though – hope things start to turn around for you soon.

    ^ ^




  4. I’m with FutureCat. I’m not at all surprised that the company came up with such a lousy contract. Part of me hopes that the opportunity presents itself to nail them at some point.

    I’m glad that you’re able to get unemployment comp now, at least, instead of having to wait. I was wondering about that.

    ((Hugs)) Here’s hoping that things start to look up for you.

  5. On top of everything else, they offer a contract like that? Great. It sounds like the lawyer was worth the money, though.

    Gosh, the daylily issue surprised me. That would have caught me out completely, as daylilies are a culinary ingredient in some cuisines (the buds are very tasty). Trust cats to be awkward. And thank goodness you were aware of the issue.

  6. Echoing other comments, I’m not surprised that your severance contract was full of holes. I think a lot of employers do that thinking that most people will just sign on the spot given the circumstances.

    LGS is being just like the last part of her "name". You’ve spent thousands of dollars to save her little butt and first chance she gets she nibbles something toxic. That’s the very definition of feline irony. Remind me again why we have cats???

    Hang in there and "don’t respond to the Trolls, it only feeds them". You said something like that to me a few years back and it’s still good advice…..

  7. I’m glad to hear you still have health insurance. I was going to bring up the option of COBRA, but it sounds like you don’t need that for now.

    I’m glad you talked to a lawyer. I received severance a few years ago but never even considered a lawyer. My situation was quite different from yours, however. I was ready to give the job the old heave-ho, even before they announced the massive layoff. I know you didn’t have that option.

    Good for the Prof.

  8. I’m confused about the orange daylilies. My computer wouldn’t pull up your link so maybe what your’re talking about is something else, but we have two cats who live outdoors and we have had orange daylilies in our yard for years. Should I be worried or are country cats just smarter than citified ones?

    (Tongue-in-cheek but still bumfuzzled about the flowers.)



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