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  1. Sadly enough I’ve seen something similar. Pardon me while I go into some history of my cat Dusty. Back in ’97 we had a very, very early hard freeze in late September. Ray called me late one afternoon saying that he’d found three kittens that weren’t more than 10 days old in the back of the shop (their eyes weren’t yet open). He’d seen a cat dead in the road by the shop earlier in the day. He called to ask if he could bring them home *rolls eyes*. Like I was going to say no?? Anyway, he got home with them about 15 minutes later. They were so cold they were stiff and their noses and mouths were packed full of dirt from them rooting on the floor trying to find food. We lost one of them almost immediately. The other two, Dusty (her full name is Dusty Q. Popsicle for the above stated reasons)and her sister beat the odds of cellular explosion from rewarming from the hypothermia and all was good for about two and a half weeks. I went in one morning to give them a bottle and saw Dusty kneeding and nuzzling her sister and I thought it was really cute until I got close enough to realize that her sister had passed away in the night. I really think she was trying to revive her and I suspect the cat in the video is doing the same. They probably had run together for years. It’s heartbreaking to watch.

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