
I have just discovered that the spica will not permit me to play Mahjongg Dimensions.

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  1. OMG. I’d forgotten about the yellowing of the undercoat! Two of the cats I’d previously mentioned were chinchilla persian and had that problem. It’s freaky to look at, actually. You sort of expect them to glow in the dark.

    Planning on going to Champaign this weekend so I’ll see if I can find you some toe socks for your hand. Evidently they’re all the rage again. Dunno. Too old and too frumpy to really care unless it’s for a good cause 😉

  2. And there I was thinking you meant lavender! I hope the splint helps. I sometimes wear one, as I have a chronic issue in one wrist, and it does ease the problem. I like the idea of funky socks!

    Good news on the ringworm! Progress at last, albeit at the cost of smells.

  3. I hadn’t thought of this medication angle. I may discuss it with our Sheltie Rescue director.

    We will give her a week and evaluate her then. It will be nice to have something to fall back on if it is needed.

    Thanks for the idea.

    Sorry about your hand… pesky bodies, little drama queens sometimes aren’t they?

  4. Having had experience with craft booths over the years, I can tell you they almost never make more of a profit than to pay for the booth, gas to get there, beverages and food for the day. They are not profit-making endeavors for the average craftsman or craftswoman. If you’ve ever noticed, the large booths at crafts fairs are usually on the outside corners of the floor plan and are usually either purchased things that are quickly embellished while you wait or edibles. It is where you will find the photo mugs, mouse pads, airbrushed t-shirts, "homemade" candy, kettle corn and the sort of glass blowers that make those sailboat replicas with all the string work where they charge a small fortune for anything really good. These are the only places that actually turn a profit.

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