Self-indulgent whining

Haven’t felt much like updating recently. Haven’t felt much like anything, truth be told. I’ll put it down to end of summer blues. Technically it isn’t end of summer for another couple of weeks, but if the Southern Hemisphere can call September 1st the first day of spring, then I can call it the first day of autumn.

On the job front, I remain unemployed. There’s a job fair being hosted by the local state representative for my county Friday that I’ll be going to, but I don’t dare hope for much. I’ve had too many “sure things” evaporate, and the realization that I am destined to something less than mediocrity is finally forcing itself into my awareness. I haven’t even been able to get hired by any of the local bookstores or pet stores; I know they have openings because I spoke to an 18 year old kid who volunteers at our cat shelter who was bragging to me about getting hired for a pet store job that I had applied for. Getting kicked in the nonexistent metaphysical balls is as good a wake-up call as anything.

It’s been three weeks since the cortisone injection in my right wrist and being fitted for the new spica. I can’t say that the injection has done much good, although the new spica immobilizes my wrist well enough to prevent me from doing anything stupid/painful while wearing it.

Meanwhile, I’ve been having some problems with my feet off and on for the past six months. The technical term is “paresthesias”, which translates into English as weird sensations. Some people describe it as tingling or numbness, but neither term really describes the feeling. The best I can say is that it’s what white noise would feel like if it were a feeling instead of a sound. I’ve got yet another doctor, and an appointment to get some tests run tomorrow. I’ve come to the point that I’m suspecting myself of hypochondria; nobody gets this many peculiar ailments simultaneously.

No one except perhaps for Satan’s Little Fart Cloud. She’s getting doused in lime sulfur every three days now, and her coat reflects it. She feels like a scarecrow, and looks icteric. Rather than settling down after three months of confinement, she’s more agitated than ever to be out of the bathroom. Sunrise is her signal to begin pitiful mewing that quickly segues into frantic yowling at the door. About a week or so ago she began scratching at the door as well. Since The Prof is teaching ten classes this semester (to make up for me not bringing any income into the house) he’s leaving before 9:00 in the morning and returning after 9:00 at night. It’s unfair that he not get as much sleep as possible, so I’ve been getting up to quiet her as soon as I can get myself moving. My heart is breaking for her at this point – I fear she is developing an obsessive/compulsive disorder of obsessive grooming. I worry that if I can’t get her out of that quarantine soon that this behavior will become permanent; once it is firmly established it is difficult to break.

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  1. Wow. Hard times all around.

    Hope things go in a happier direction as the season changes. (I say pooey to the calendar, it’s the feel in the air that tells us when the seasons are changing…)

  2. You’ve an awful lot on your plate, and are more than entitled to a small whine (I mistyped that as "wine"; I think there’s a message there). I hope things look up *soon*.

  3. After a difficult wisdom tooth extraction, my chin experienced paresthesia. I would definitely described what I felt (or didn’t feel) as numbness. The area gradually became smaller and smaller as the nerve damage repaired itself. Although the situation (and apparently the sensation) is quite different, I’ll hope for the same for you.

    Poor kitty. Having seen her at her beautiful best, the change is hard to look at. My heart goes out to her.

    And no way on earth would I ever describe anything about you as mediocre. I wish there was something I could do!

  4. I don’t consider this whining. There’s no "poor me" going on. You’re just venting some worry and frustration.

    I’ve got a surgical scar on my lower abdomen that feels like what you’re describing that drives me nuts sometimes. Every so often it will "itch" but when I try to scratch it I don’t actually feel the area being touched. How can you be numb and itch at the same time? My dr. told me that eventually normal sensation would return. The surgery was 16 years ago so obviously I’m not holding my breath!

    Poor Fart Cloud! I hope for the sake of both of you that she gets out of there soon and there’s no lasting psychological damage.

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